National ACTION

Ocean knowledge revolution at the country level

National Decade Committees (NDCs) are critical connectors between the global Ocean Decade and national stakeholders.

National Decade Committees are voluntary, inclusive, multi-stakeholder platforms set up to coordinate, support and increase a country’s participation in the Ocean Decade by mobilizing the whole “ocean community” at the national level, i.e. all producers and users of ocean science and ocean knowledge.

The mandate and scope of each National Decade Committee is unique and tailored to national needs but common roles include:

  • Make the Ocean Decade better known and understood (through events, webinars, social media) and encourage broad participation by diverse stakeholder groups, including those who are not typical partners of the scientific community e.g. industry, impact investors etc;
  • Catalyze new Decade Actions and promote co-design of Actions with diverse stakeholders in response to Calls for Decade Actions, by facilitating international connections, coordinating national actors and easing access to decentralized coordination structures;
  • Support and connect Decade Actions led by or working in the country and enhance their access to Decade benefits, such as data, products, science-policy advice or capacity development opportunities;
  • Combine the global challenges and priorities of the Ocean Decade with national policies, strategies and priorities for ocean science, transfer of marine technology or capacity development;
  • Influence funding and resource allocation decisions for ocean science;
  • ‘Walk the talk’ of diversity, equity and inclusivity in the Ocean Decade by supporting the engagement of under-represented groups including Indigenous and local knowledge holders and early career ocean professionals (ECOPs).

To date, 40 countries have established a National Decade Committee and many more are in preparation. The Decade Coordination Unit within UNESCO-IOC supports this process and provides networking opportunities with existing committees and the diverse coordinating structures of the Ocean Decade.

More information:

The National Decade Committee Guidelines offer structural and governance advice for the setting up and running of NDCs.

The Best Practice Manual for National Decade Committees is the first stop for NDCs, at any stage from creation to operation. This ‘how-to’ guide with step-by-step instructions and examples is the fruit of collaborative work involving 20 committees, that share their experiences, successes and challenges, starting with their creation followed by the development of diverse activities at the science-policy-society interface.

The Ocean Decade Network provides a platform to promote exchange and cooperation between National Decade Committees. Discussions groups dedicated to each of the National Decade Committees have been created to disseminate information about their activities and processes to the national stakeholders and/or to use this group as a management platform for their members.

For further information, please contact:


Created in May 2023, the committee brings together 25 organisations with a direct interest in ocean knowledge and management, from 14 ministries and 2 NGOs.

Contact Points:

– Chairman: Zacharie Sohou, Director of IHOB/CBRSI, representing the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) | Email:
– First Rapporteur: Mickael Monkoun, representative of the Préfecture Maritime de la Présidence | Email:
– Second Rapporteur: Cohovi Georges Ganse, representative of the DGFD of the Ministry of Finance | Email:

Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde Ocean Decade Committee was established on April 25th 2021 and it is one of the 11 first committees to be established at a global level and the first for Africa. The members of the committee are ocean related professionals and ECOPs actives on different fields as NGOs, industry, traditional knowledge, decision makers, nautical sports, maritime law, communications, science and education.

The Committee launched its activities on 1st of June, at the Ocean Decade kick-off, with a major event evolving all members and the civil society: The Committee has been actively promoting the implementation plan, sharing it with young professionals, the private sector, decision makers and civil society:

Their website is a great tool to give visibility to the members and help promote their work with the implementation plan and the SDGs goals, particularly SDG14: Cabo Verde Ocean Decade Committee has one endorsed Decade Action: Ocean Literacy Educational Program – Ocean Health and Protection, ID 49.

Contact Point:

Leila Neves | Email:


Contact Point:

Mike Osei-Atweneboana, Director, CSIR- Water Research Institute Council for Scientific and Industrial Research | Email:


Contact Point:

Lantoarinoro Ranivoarivelo, Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines, Université de Toliara | Email:


More information coming soon.


The Nigerian National Stakeholders forum was established in December 2020.  At the invitation of IOC UNESCO, the National office of UNESCO (NATCOM) appointed a Focal Point person with a mandate to assemble all the key groups as Ocean Decade committee members for their endorsement. This process was completed early 2021. The representatives of the different strata of Nigeria, including NGO’s, women and students constitute the present National committee on Ocean Decade. Members of the Nigerian National Stakeholders forum are drawn from academia, non-profits Organizations, government employees, industry, and youth groups. The approach of the Nigerian National forum to the Decade is unfolding as it draws upon ideas from some advanced Ocean Decade committees in the world. Various members of the committee are collaborating and reaching out to other National committee members globally for improved understanding of additional roles to embrace. A series of webinars has been organized for a universal understanding of what is expected from each member of the committee. Presentations from key coordinators of the thematic areas formed part of the activities held. The National forum on Ocean Decade activities is developing a national action plan and strategy to strengthen key points for presentation to the House of assembly.

The National Committee website (  features some information about the Decade and will increasingly incorporate announcements made by UNESCO IOC, members, upcoming events, opportunities for early-career professional and youth involvement.

Contact Point:

Regina FolorunshoNigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research | Email:


The Seychelles National Decade Committee was established in November 2023 and held its first meeting of members on 17th November 2023. The committee comprises of individuals from various ocean related sectors, from Government to civil society. The members of the committee bring to the table a range of experience, expertise and knowledge from their respective backgrounds, such as maritime, education, media, fisheries, science and Blue Economy.

Contact Point:

Terrence Crea, Principal Programme Development officer (Blue Economy Department) | Email: 


Contact Point:

To be added soon.


Co-Design is at the center of the work of our National Decade Committee.

The Committee’s initial task was to support a series of events throughout 2020, in preparation for the Decade. The plan included two webinars  and  workshops, one for each region of the country.

The Brazilian subnational workshops were structured around 7 working groups corresponding to the expected results for the Ocean Decade. The workshop in the Centro-Oeste region, devoid of coast, had its own organization and format. Each subnational workshop had a controlled number of participants, divided by working groups. In each work group, we sought to maintain the diversity of sectors of society, gender and professional experiences, in the same way as all other global events of the Decade. The initial and final sessions of the workshops were broadcast over the internet, ensuring an even greater reach in the participation of different actors. The work sessions were all conducted by teleconference, distributed over 5 days for each workshop. The workshops counted with 476 active participants, of which 62% of these women.

The national governance benefited from the voluntary formation of five Regional Mobilization Groups and a Youth Mobilization Group. Those representations have contributed to capillarize the Decade within local level stakeholders from a wide range of sectors. Also, they have widened the possibility of stakeholders engagement in a valuable bottom up process and in a genuine manner.

NDC Website

Link to National Launch.

Discover the key figures of the National Implementation Plan of the Ocean Decade.

Contact Points:

Andrea Cancela da Cruz, Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation | Email:
Roberto de Pinho, Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation | Email:
Iran Cardoso Jr., Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation | Email:


Canada is a proud supporter of the Ocean Decade and is building a strong contribution to the Ocean Decade.

Canada’s contribution is supported by a variety of groups:

  • A dedicated Ocean Decade office within Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).
  • Government of Canada and DFO Science Committees.
  • Canada’s Ocean Decade Community of Champions.
  • Canadian Node of the Global Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs).

Collectively, these groups form Canada’s National Decade Committee. The Community of Champions is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder national platform to mobilize the Canadian ocean community and foster innovative and transformative science-based actions. It is composed of seven Champions, one for each Decade Outcome, and will see the creation of thematic networks/working groups in 2022. The Government of Canada and DFO Science Committees support the federal government participation. The DFO Ocean Decade Office provides overall coordination, and a Canadian ECOPs Node links with the Global ECOPs Programme.

Altogether, about 50 individuals from more than 25 organizations, and multiple sectors are involved.

In addition, the National Decade Committee will leverage the membership of the Oceans Research in Canada Alliance (ORCA), a community of practice with over 500 members aiming to advance ocean science cooperation in Canada.

Canada’s National Decade Committee draws from the collective leadership of the Canadian ocean community at all levels. It is flexible and open to foster a broad uptake of the Decade outcomes maximizing its benefits both within Canada and beyond. It also underpins the principles of co-design, inclusivity and diversity (including gender, geographic and generational) as key pillars.


Contact Point:

Marie-Elaine Boivin, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)  | Email:


The Chilean National Decade Committee (NDC) was created by the 144th Assembly of the National Oceanographic Committee (CONA) at the end of 2020.  Membership to the NDC was agreed to be the same as for CONA, allowing each member to join the National Committee. CONA Secretariat was designated to become the Secretariat of the NDC. CONA is conformed by public and academic institutions.

Contact Point:

Juan J. Fierro, Executive Secretary, National Oceanographic Committee (CONA), Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy (SHOA) | Email:

Valeria Nicole Tapia Marzán, Asesora CONA | Email:

Carlos Zuñiga, President of NDC Chile | Email:


In 2021, under the leadership of the Colombian Ocean Commission, the Colombian National Technical Committee for the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (CTN-DCODS), was stablished with the purpose to serve as a focal point to integrate and combine the national actions towards the Decade, promoting the sustainable development of coastal marine territories and the participation of all interested actors by potentializing their access to the benefits of this initiative.

The CTN-DCODS’ members represent the relevant areas of ocean science, involving the academia, private sector, and the government through the participation of its ministries and public entities. Additionally, and what it’s relevant about the CTN-DCODS, is the incorporation of different mechanisms that coordinates the national actions and programs related to the ocean, such as the National Committee of Ocean Education.

Currently, the CTN-DCODS is developing an action plan that will set the path towards the implementation of the Decade, encompassing the actions needed to ensure the comprehension of the human and ocean interaction.

In commemoration of the Decade and the national commitment to it, a launch event was held in April 2021, you can watch it at:

For more information about the CTN-DCODS:

Watch the event.

Contact Point:

Lina Maritza Córdoba Mosquera, Advisor for International Cooperation and Ocean Decade, Colombia Ocean Commission | Email:

Daniela Galindo, International Affairs Advisor and Ocean Decade | Email:


Contact Point:

Sandra Gabriela González Aguilar, Secretaria Técnica del Comité Mexicano del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de las Ciencias Oceánicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible 2021-2030 | Email:

United States of America

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened the U.S. National Committee (USNC) in May 2020 to support U.S. contributions to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The Committee’s activities are sponsored by the U.S. federal ocean agencies and the National Academies. The membership (Meet the Committee) includes experts from various sectors covering a broad range of ocean issues and four Early Career Liaisons.

The USNC serves as the organizational center for U.S. contributions to the UN Ocean Decade. The USNC convenes meetings and disseminates information regarding Decade events to the broad range of ocean stakeholders. Outreach activities include a newsletter, calendar, and establishment of the U.S. Nexus to provide a mechanism for ocean organizations to share and participate in Ocean Decade activities.  In addition, the USNC issued a call for “Ocean-Shots”, defined as transformational research concepts, and received over 100 submissions. Ocean-Shots and other resources are available at A launch meeting was held in February 2021 to introduce U.S. efforts and feature the first round of Ocean-Shot submissions. The USNC continues to support further development of Ocean-Shot concepts to encourage sponsorship and advance progress on the Ocean Decade Challenges.

Website: The U.S. National Decade Committee

Contact Point:

Susan Roberts, Director, Ocean Studies Board, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine | Email:


Contact Point:

Khurshed Alam, Head of Maritime Affairs Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Email:


Contact Point:

Li Li, Division Director for International Cooperation, First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources | Email:
Antao Wang, Divsion Director, Department of International Cooperaton, Ministry of Natural Resources | Email:


Contact Point:

Dr. Tata Sudhakar, National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai | Email:

Dr. TVS Udaya Bhaskar, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services | Email:


Contact Point:

Mego Pinandito, Deputy Chairman of Policy Development, BRIN | Email: 

Marina Frederik, Scientist, Research Center for Geological Disaster | Email:

Islamic Republic of Iran

Contact Point:

Dr Morteza Tavakoli, Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science | Email:


The Japan National Committee of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development was officially launched on Feb 25 2021. Members of the National Committee are drawn from academia, non-profits, government employees, and industry, comprising a well-rounded body of expertise across multiple groups relevant to the Decade. The Committee published a booklet “Japan’s Initiatives for UN Decade of Ocean Science”.


Contact Points:

Tomohiko Tsunoda, Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation | Email:
Yutaka Michida, University of Tokyo | Email:


Contact Point:

Ahmed Moosa Al Balushi, Director of the Department of Science, Oman National Commission for Education, Culture and Science | Email: 

Republic of Korea

Contact Point:

Kim, Jun Hyung, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology | Email:


Contact Point:

Suree Satapoomin, Marine Resources Management Specialist, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | Email:


Türkiye National Decade Committee is created in the first half of 2021 and works for gathering ideas and catalyzing support for the Decade. Members of the National Committee are comprised a well-rounded body of expertise across multiple agencies and institutes relevant to the Decade. It is drawn from universities, ministries and scientific experts. These experts are largely drawn from the marine sciences communities. The Committee held a kick-off event in 24 August 2021 with participation from different sectors for supporting and announcing the Decade.

Some generic information about the Decade on our official website: (in Turkish)

Contact Point:

LtJG Furkan YAMAN, Lieutenant Junior Grade , Office Of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography | Email: yaman.f5441@dzkk.tsk.t 


The National Decade Committee for Belgium was officially established on 2 December 2022. It is composed of a core group and an open group as a sounding board. The core group aims for a balanced representation (federal, Flanders, Wallonia, politics, research, industry, NGOs, education…) to serve as a central hub linking and engaging national and local actors involved in the Oceans Decade. Aiming to promote “transformative and demand-driven” actions on the challenges of the Oceans Decade and to facilitate the contributions and involvement of local and national actors.

Core group members list here.

For the latest news by NDC-BE, follow the group: National Decade Committee for Belgium (NDC-BE) | The Ocean Decade

Are you based in Belgium and are participating in an Ocean Decade Action? Need guidance or you want to make the most of the Ocean Decade momentum? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet (Focal point, co-chair of core group)
Sophie Mirgaux (Chair of core group)
Juana Jimenez (NDC Secretariat)

Contact Point:

Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet, Director of International Relations, Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) | Email:

Denmark, Greenland and Faroe Islands

The committee was established during a two-day open workshop 6-7 February 2023 with more than 70 participants, invited by the Danish Meteorological Institute and hosted at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen. The workshop concluded by agreeing on the Terms of Reference for the Committee, on the composition and members of the committee. This includes representatives from agencies and ministries from Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, from research institutions, industry and organisations. A key outcome of the workshop has been the identification of nine thematic areas that will form the priority areas for the work of the committee. These are also part of the ToR for the Committee.

Contact Point:

Steffen Malskaer Olsen, National Center for Climate Research, Danish Meteorological Institute | Email:


The committee was established 2.6.2021. The task of the Finnish National Committee is to draft a plan of actions for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Finland and to coordinate its implementation.

Download the Finnish National Implementation Plan for the Ocean Decade

Contact Point:

Jussi Soramäki, Senior Ministerial Advisor, Maritime policy, Government Strategy Department | Email:


The French National Decade Committee was launched on 7 December 2021. It brings together scientists, academics, representatives from the Government, civil society, NGOs, private sector companies, etc. in marine science and technology, thus covering many areas of expertise. Its role is to coordinate national activities as part of the Ocean Decade, to mobilize the French marine science and technology community to take part to the Decade, to disseminate information and to provide documentary resources on the challenges and issues of the Decade to the various stakeholders and citizens in order to rally them and motivate them to get involved in Decade activities.

Website: Commission Océanographique Intergouvernementale

Contact Point:

Aurélie Chamiot-Prieur, Chargée de mission recherche milieux littoraux et marins, Mission Climat, Observation et Évolution du Système Terre, Sous-direction de la Recherche, Ministère de la Transition Écologique | Email: 


The National Committee (Ozean Dekadenkomitee) was created in the second half of 2020, allowing National Committee members to engage and shape the evolution of the Decade and its implementation in Germany early in the process. The Committee was formally established by the German IOC committee and members of the National Committee were drawn by an open application process from academia, non-profits, government, policy, early careers and industry, comprising a well-rounded body of expertise across multiple groups relevant to the Decade.

The National Committee will hold its launch meeting in June 2021 after the international launch event with the ambition to promote the Decade in Germany and engage participation from all sectors. The National Committee is developing a national action plan and established eight subgroups to facilitate engagement and action towards the Decade objectives. The National Committee website features some generic information about the Decade and will increasingly incorporate announcements made by the National Committee Members, upcoming events, opportunities for early-career professional and youth involvement, Q&A features of those engaged with the Decade, and a list of National Committee members.

Website: Ozean Dekadenkomitee
Link to List of Members

Contact Point:

Ulrike Heine, Science Officer , Deutsches Komitee der UN-Ozeandekade (ODK) · GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel | Email: ;


Contact Points:

Fiona Grant, International Programmes, Marine Institute | Email:
Laura McDonagh, International Programmes, Marine Institute | Email:


The National Committee was created in the second half of 2021, allowing its members to engage and shape the evolution of the Decade and its implementation in Italy early in the process. The Comitato Nazionale Per il Decennio del Mare in Italia (CND-IT) promotes the objectives and opportunities of the UN Ocean Decade, encouraging and facilitating national contributions to Decade actions, also through the submission of proposals. It favours the participation of different typologies of stakeholders (including Academy, institutions Public, companies, associations and civil society) and free access to information and data, decision-making instruments based on science and / or opportunities for knowledge transfer and development of skills.

List of endorsed Decade Actions submitted by Italian Organisations:

  2. The Science We Need for the Mediterranean Sea We Want
  3. The Current III “The Mediterraneans: “Thus waves come in pairs”
  4. CoastPredict – Observing and Predicting the Global Coastal Ocean
  5. Digital innovation Hand-in-Hand with fisheries and ecosystems scientific monitoring
  6. Ocean Literacy With All (OLWA): the change we need for the ocean we want


Contact Point:

Rosalia Santoleri, Chair of the Italian Oceanographic Commission | Email:

Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint-Maarten

Contact Point:

Maarten Heijnen, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management | Email:


The National Committee of Norway was established on World Ocean’s Day in 2021. The committee represents central ocean communities in Norway, drawn from the fields of research, business sector, NGOs, communication, and public sphere.

The committee’s work builds on a plan for national Ocean Decade priorities. The priorities were formed by an expert group and launched in October 2020 with the document “The UN Decade of Ocean Science. Proposed priority areas for Norway”.

The proposed priority areas are:

  1. Climate and environment interactions
  2. Holistic ocean governance
  3. Healthy and safe seafood for all
  4. Renewable energy from the ocean
  5. Environmentally friendly maritime transport
  6. An ocean of data
  7. Who owns the ocean?
  8. Keeping the Artic as one
  9. Global ocean economy and development aid
  10. Everyone understands the ocean!

For the coming period the committees work is centered around activities that increases awareness of, and mobilizes to, the Ocean Decade, with special emphasis on the business sector. Ocean Literacy is also a central area for the committee with several planned activities ahead.

Read more about the committee:

Read the national priority plan:

Website: The Research Council of Norway’s Ocean Secretariat

Link to proposed priority areas for Norwegian efforts.

Contact Point:

Mette Mila, Senior Advisor, The Ocean Secretariat, The Research Council of Norway | Email:

Siri Granum Carson, Professor in applied ethics, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) | Email:


The Portuguese National Committee for the Decade of the Ocean (CNDO), was created in March 8, 2023, by a joint Diploma from 8 ministers: Foreign Affairs; National Defence; Economy and the Sea; Science, Technology and Higher Education; Education; Environment and Climate Action;  Agriculture and Food; and Finances.  The Committee’s mission is to promote and coordinate Portugal’s action to achieve the objectives of the Ocean Decade, with a particular vision for the Atlantic, closely related to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, especially with regard to SDG 14.

The Committee, reports directly to the members of the Government responsible for Foreign Affairs, the Sea, and Science, Technology and Higher Education, and is coordinated by Luís Menezes Pinheiro (Chair of the Portuguese Committee for the IOC), and two deputy coordinators, Maria João Bebianno and Telmo Carvalho.

The Committee is supported by an Advisory Committee that includes: (1) 7 representatives from the governmental areas of Foreign Affairs, National Defence, the Sea, Science, Education, Environment and Food; (2) 3 representatives from the Directorate-General for Foreign Policy, Directorate-General for Maritime Policy, and the National Science Foundation; (3) 3 personalities of recognized merit; and a Forum of Stakeholders, involving a large number of representatives from academia and research institutes, national laboratories, NGOs, foundations and the private sector.

The work of the committee is also supported by a Technical Secretariat. The Committee works in conjunction with the National Committee for the IOC/UNESCO and it is based at the Portuguese Committee for the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (CP-COI) in the Palácio das Necessidades, and benefits from administrative and logistical support from the General Secretariat for the Economy.

Contact point:

Luís Menezes Pinheiro, Chair of the Portuguese Committee for the IOC | Email:

Russian Federation

Contact Point:

Sergey Shapovalov, Head of the Center for Coordination of Ocean Research | Email:


The Slovenian National Decade Committee has been established and approved by the Slovenian National Commission of UNESCO at its meeting on August 2, 2021.

The National Decade Committee (NDC) acts as an expert and advisory body for the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO. The tasks of the NDC include in particular:
– advising the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO on issues related to the UN Ocean Decade 2021-2030: Oceanography for Sustainable Development;
– proposing and coordinating programmes and activities in the framework of the Ocean Decade (in cooperation with the National Committee of the IOC and the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO);
– bringing together national stakeholders and coordinating their proposals for the Ocean Decade;
– ensuring the implementation of the adopted Ocean Decade Action Programme (in cooperation with the IOC National Committee and the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO);
– participating in international activities of the Ocean Decade;
– ensuring publicity of the Ocean Decade among the interested public (in cooperation with the National Committee of the IOC and the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO).

The NDC reports annually on its work to the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO. The term of office of the NDC members is for the duration of the Ocean Decade, 2021-2030.

Contact Point:

Vesna Flander-Putrle, National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran | Email:


Contact Point:

Rafael González-Quirós Fernández, Director of the Oceanographic Center of Gijon | Email:


In 2021 the Swedish government commissioned Formas, a government research council for sustainable development, to establish and host the National Committee for the Decade. The members in the committee represent national agencies of relevance for ocean, waters, polar regions, climate and international cooperation, marine researchers and NGOs. The largest annual event takes place on World Ocean Day, that will be arranged for the third time, June 8th 2022.

In parallel, the government has also commissioned Formas to carry out a 10-year national research program on ocean and waters that will enable synergies with implementation of the Decade.

Sweden will contribute to the implementation of the Decade, nationally and internationally by:

  • Strengthen cooperation between different actors in marine research and innovation.
  • Strengthen the coordination of investments in marine research and innovation.
  • Disseminate, make available and utilize research and innovation generated by the Decade.
  • Raise knowledge and awareness of the significance of the seas and ocean.
  • Develop exchanges and collaborations between Swedish and international actors and initiatives.
  • Continue to be a committed member of the IOC- Unesco

Information about the committee and activities are presented on a website. National Committee for the UN Decade of Ocean Science

Contact Point:

John Tumpane, Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (Formas) | Email:

United Kingdom

Ocean Decade UK, the UK’s National Decade Committee, was appointed in 2021 to facilitate UK engagement with the UN Ocean Decade. With government representatives and members from across the breadth of ocean disciplines, the Committee includes established researchers and several early career ocean professionals all coming together to champion the UN Ocean Decade.

Ocean Decade UK’s mission statement is ‘To amplify the UK’s collective voice in accelerating transformational ocean science to facilitate the delivery of clean, healthy and resilient, productive, predicted, safe, accessible, inspiring and engaging oceans and seas’. The Committee aims to promote and enable a whole of UK society approach to the Ocean Decade by supporting UK Government and their representatives to the IOC, engaging with the ocean science community and broader society to help inspire and facilitate opportunities within the Decade.

UK researchers and institutions are contributing to a variety of Ocean Decade Actions including the Nutrient Pollution Global Action Network, Global Ocean Decade Programme for Blue Carbon (GO-BC), Joint Exploration of the Twilight Zone Ocean Network and Digital Twins of the Ocean and Seabed 2030.

You can find more information on the website of the UK National Decade Committee:

Contact Point:

Matt Frost (Chair) | Email:
Suzanne Painting (Secretariat) | Email:

New Zealand

The New Zealand Reference Group on the Decade of Ocean Science was established in October 2020 to advise on New Zealand’s contribution to the Decade and to connect the National Commission to relevant networks. In May 2021, the Reference Group was reconstituted as the Aotearoa New Zealand National Decade Committee.

The membership is drawn from across the Aotearoa ocean sector including western scientists, indigenous knowledge specialists, government representatives and youth representatives.

A Decade launch event was hosted at the New Zealand Parliament on UN World Oceans Day in 2021 with a range of presentations about ocean science in New Zealand:

NZ launch of UN Decade of Ocean Science – Schannel van Dijken

NZ Launch of UN Decade of Ocean Science – João De Souza

NZ launch of UN Decade of Ocean Science – Dr Bill Fry

NZ Launch of UN DECADE OF OCEAN SCIENCE – Anne Sophie Pagé

The Committee supports domestic activities, acts as a link between national and international activities and engages stakeholders with the Decade. It has contributed to the virtual lab series and aligning NZ/Pacific projects with endorsed Decade programmes. It also works with Pacific Ocean Science Regional Hub.

In New Zealand, ocean science draws from many knowledges and practices including values and world views of the indigenous peoples of New Zealand and the Pacific. Weaving these knowledge systems into our contribution to the Decade has generated a distinctive multidisciplinary approach to our work.

The website Te Tini a Tangaroa is an online search tool to connect audiences with ocean science currently underway in New Zealand and to showcase the importance of indigenous knowledge.

Contact Point:

Silke Bieda, NZ National Commission for UNESCO | Email:



Created in May 2023, the committee brings together 25 organisations with a direct interest in ocean knowledge and management, from 14 ministries and 2 NGOs.

Contact Points:

– Chairman: Zacharie Sohou, Director of IHOB/CBRSI, representing the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) | Email:
– First Rapporteur: Mickael Monkoun, representative of the Préfecture Maritime de la Présidence | Email:
– Second Rapporteur: Cohovi Georges Ganse, representative of the DGFD of the Ministry of Finance | Email:

Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde Ocean Decade Committee was established on April 25th 2021 and it is one of the 11 first committees to be established at a global level and the first for Africa. The members of the committee are ocean related professionals and ECOPs actives on different fields as NGOs, industry, traditional knowledge, decision makers, nautical sports, maritime law, communications, science and education.

The Committee launched its activities on 1st of June, at the Ocean Decade kick-off, with a major event evolving all members and the civil society: The Committee has been actively promoting the implementation plan, sharing it with young professionals, the private sector, decision makers and civil society:

Their website is a great tool to give visibility to the members and help promote their work with the implementation plan and the SDGs goals, particularly SDG14: Cabo Verde Ocean Decade Committee has one endorsed Decade Action: Ocean Literacy Educational Program – Ocean Health and Protection, ID 49.

Contact Point:

Leila Neves | Email:


Contact Point:

Mike Osei-Atweneboana, Director, CSIR- Water Research Institute Council for Scientific and Industrial Research | Email:


Contact Point:

Lantoarinoro Ranivoarivelo, Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines, Université de Toliara | Email:


More information coming soon.


The Nigerian National Stakeholders forum was established in December 2020.  At the invitation of IOC UNESCO, the National office of UNESCO (NATCOM) appointed a Focal Point person with a mandate to assemble all the key groups as Ocean Decade committee members for their endorsement. This process was completed early 2021. The representatives of the different strata of Nigeria, including NGO’s, women and students constitute the present National committee on Ocean Decade. Members of the Nigerian National Stakeholders forum are drawn from academia, non-profits Organizations, government employees, industry, and youth groups. The approach of the Nigerian National forum to the Decade is unfolding as it draws upon ideas from some advanced Ocean Decade committees in the world. Various members of the committee are collaborating and reaching out to other National committee members globally for improved understanding of additional roles to embrace. A series of webinars has been organized for a universal understanding of what is expected from each member of the committee. Presentations from key coordinators of the thematic areas formed part of the activities held. The National forum on Ocean Decade activities is developing a national action plan and strategy to strengthen key points for presentation to the House of assembly.

The National Committee website (  features some information about the Decade and will increasingly incorporate announcements made by UNESCO IOC, members, upcoming events, opportunities for early-career professional and youth involvement.

Contact Point:

Regina FolorunshoNigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research | Email:


The Seychelles National Decade Committee was established in November 2023 and held its first meeting of members on 17th November 2023. The committee comprises of individuals from various ocean related sectors, from Government to civil society. The members of the committee bring to the table a range of experience, expertise and knowledge from their respective backgrounds, such as maritime, education, media, fisheries, science and Blue Economy.

Contact Point:

Terrence Crea, Principal Programme Development officer (Blue Economy Department) | Email: 


Contact Point:

To be added soon.



Co-Design is at the center of the work of our National Decade Committee.

The Committee’s initial task was to support a series of events throughout 2020, in preparation for the Decade. The plan included two webinars  and  workshops, one for each region of the country.

The Brazilian subnational workshops were structured around 7 working groups corresponding to the expected results for the Ocean Decade. The workshop in the Centro-Oeste region, devoid of coast, had its own organization and format. Each subnational workshop had a controlled number of participants, divided by working groups. In each work group, we sought to maintain the diversity of sectors of society, gender and professional experiences, in the same way as all other global events of the Decade. The initial and final sessions of the workshops were broadcast over the internet, ensuring an even greater reach in the participation of different actors. The work sessions were all conducted by teleconference, distributed over 5 days for each workshop. The workshops counted with 476 active participants, of which 62% of these women.

The national governance benefited from the voluntary formation of five Regional Mobilization Groups and a Youth Mobilization Group. Those representations have contributed to capillarize the Decade within local level stakeholders from a wide range of sectors. Also, they have widened the possibility of stakeholders engagement in a valuable bottom up process and in a genuine manner.

NDC Website

Link to National Launch.

Discover the key figures of the National Implementation Plan of the Ocean Decade.

Contact Points:

Andrea Cancela da Cruz, Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation | Email:
Roberto de Pinho, Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation | Email:
Iran Cardoso Jr., Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation | Email:


Canada is a proud supporter of the Ocean Decade and is building a strong contribution to the Ocean Decade.

Canada’s contribution is supported by a variety of groups:

  • A dedicated Ocean Decade office within Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).
  • Government of Canada and DFO Science Committees.
  • Canada’s Ocean Decade Community of Champions.
  • Canadian Node of the Global Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs).

Collectively, these groups form Canada’s National Decade Committee. The Community of Champions is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder national platform to mobilize the Canadian ocean community and foster innovative and transformative science-based actions. It is composed of seven Champions, one for each Decade Outcome, and will see the creation of thematic networks/working groups in 2022. The Government of Canada and DFO Science Committees support the federal government participation. The DFO Ocean Decade Office provides overall coordination, and a Canadian ECOPs Node links with the Global ECOPs Programme.

Altogether, about 50 individuals from more than 25 organizations, and multiple sectors are involved.

In addition, the National Decade Committee will leverage the membership of the Oceans Research in Canada Alliance (ORCA), a community of practice with over 500 members aiming to advance ocean science cooperation in Canada.

Canada’s National Decade Committee draws from the collective leadership of the Canadian ocean community at all levels. It is flexible and open to foster a broad uptake of the Decade outcomes maximizing its benefits both within Canada and beyond. It also underpins the principles of co-design, inclusivity and diversity (including gender, geographic and generational) as key pillars.


Contact Point:

Marie-Elaine Boivin, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)  | Email:


The Chilean National Decade Committee (NDC) was created by the 144th Assembly of the National Oceanographic Committee (CONA) at the end of 2020.  Membership to the NDC was agreed to be the same as for CONA, allowing each member to join the National Committee. CONA Secretariat was designated to become the Secretariat of the NDC. CONA is conformed by public and academic institutions.

Contact Point:

Juan J. Fierro, Executive Secretary, National Oceanographic Committee (CONA), Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy (SHOA) | Email:

Valeria Nicole Tapia Marzán, Asesora CONA | Email:

Carlos Zuñiga, President of NDC Chile | Email:


In 2021, under the leadership of the Colombian Ocean Commission, the Colombian National Technical Committee for the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (CTN-DCODS), was stablished with the purpose to serve as a focal point to integrate and combine the national actions towards the Decade, promoting the sustainable development of coastal marine territories and the participation of all interested actors by potentializing their access to the benefits of this initiative.

The CTN-DCODS’ members represent the relevant areas of ocean science, involving the academia, private sector, and the government through the participation of its ministries and public entities. Additionally, and what it’s relevant about the CTN-DCODS, is the incorporation of different mechanisms that coordinates the national actions and programs related to the ocean, such as the National Committee of Ocean Education.

Currently, the CTN-DCODS is developing an action plan that will set the path towards the implementation of the Decade, encompassing the actions needed to ensure the comprehension of the human and ocean interaction.

In commemoration of the Decade and the national commitment to it, a launch event was held in April 2021, you can watch it at:

For more information about the CTN-DCODS:

Watch the event.

Contact Point:

Lina Maritza Córdoba Mosquera, Advisor for International Cooperation and Ocean Decade, Colombia Ocean Commission | Email:

Daniela Galindo, International Affairs Advisor and Ocean Decade | Email:


Contact Point:

Sandra Gabriela González Aguilar, Secretaria Técnica del Comité Mexicano del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de las Ciencias Oceánicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible 2021-2030 | Email:

United States of America

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened the U.S. National Committee (USNC) in May 2020 to support U.S. contributions to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The Committee’s activities are sponsored by the U.S. federal ocean agencies and the National Academies. The membership (Meet the Committee) includes experts from various sectors covering a broad range of ocean issues and four Early Career Liaisons.

The USNC serves as the organizational center for U.S. contributions to the UN Ocean Decade. The USNC convenes meetings and disseminates information regarding Decade events to the broad range of ocean stakeholders. Outreach activities include a newsletter, calendar, and establishment of the U.S. Nexus to provide a mechanism for ocean organizations to share and participate in Ocean Decade activities.  In addition, the USNC issued a call for “Ocean-Shots”, defined as transformational research concepts, and received over 100 submissions. Ocean-Shots and other resources are available at A launch meeting was held in February 2021 to introduce U.S. efforts and feature the first round of Ocean-Shot submissions. The USNC continues to support further development of Ocean-Shot concepts to encourage sponsorship and advance progress on the Ocean Decade Challenges.

Website: The U.S. National Decade Committee

Contact Point:

Susan Roberts, Director, Ocean Studies Board, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine | Email:



Contact Point:

Khurshed Alam, Head of Maritime Affairs Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Email:


Contact Point:

Li Li, Division Director for International Cooperation, First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources | Email:
Antao Wang, Divsion Director, Department of International Cooperaton, Ministry of Natural Resources | Email:


Contact Point:

Dr. Tata Sudhakar, National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai | Email:

Dr. TVS Udaya Bhaskar, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services | Email:


Contact Point:

Mego Pinandito, Deputy Chairman of Policy Development, BRIN | Email: 

Marina Frederik, Scientist, Research Center for Geological Disaster | Email:

Islamic Republic of Iran

Contact Point:

Dr Morteza Tavakoli, Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science | Email:


The Japan National Committee of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development was officially launched on Feb 25 2021. Members of the National Committee are drawn from academia, non-profits, government employees, and industry, comprising a well-rounded body of expertise across multiple groups relevant to the Decade. The Committee published a booklet “Japan’s Initiatives for UN Decade of Ocean Science”.


Contact Points:

Tomohiko Tsunoda, Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation | Email:
Yutaka Michida, University of Tokyo | Email:


Contact Point:

Ahmed Moosa Al Balushi, Director of the Department of Science, Oman National Commission for Education, Culture and Science | Email: 

Republic of Korea

Contact Point:

Kim, Jun Hyung, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology | Email:


Contact Point:

Suree Satapoomin, Marine Resources Management Specialist, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | Email:


Türkiye National Decade Committee is created in the first half of 2021 and works for gathering ideas and catalyzing support for the Decade. Members of the National Committee are comprised a well-rounded body of expertise across multiple agencies and institutes relevant to the Decade. It is drawn from universities, ministries and scientific experts. These experts are largely drawn from the marine sciences communities. The Committee held a kick-off event in 24 August 2021 with participation from different sectors for supporting and announcing the Decade.

Some generic information about the Decade on our official website: (in Turkish)

Contact Point:

LtJG Furkan YAMAN, Lieutenant Junior Grade , Office Of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography | Email: yaman.f5441@dzkk.tsk.t 



The National Decade Committee for Belgium was officially established on 2 December 2022. It is composed of a core group and an open group as a sounding board. The core group aims for a balanced representation (federal, Flanders, Wallonia, politics, research, industry, NGOs, education…) to serve as a central hub linking and engaging national and local actors involved in the Oceans Decade. Aiming to promote “transformative and demand-driven” actions on the challenges of the Oceans Decade and to facilitate the contributions and involvement of local and national actors.

Core group members list here.

For the latest news by NDC-BE, follow the group: National Decade Committee for Belgium (NDC-BE) | The Ocean Decade

Are you based in Belgium and are participating in an Ocean Decade Action? Need guidance or you want to make the most of the Ocean Decade momentum? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet (Focal point, co-chair of core group)
Sophie Mirgaux (Chair of core group)
Juana Jimenez (NDC Secretariat)

Contact Point:

Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet, Director of International Relations, Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) | Email:

Denmark, Greenland and Faroe Islands

The committee was established during a two-day open workshop 6-7 February 2023 with more than 70 participants, invited by the Danish Meteorological Institute and hosted at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen. The workshop concluded by agreeing on the Terms of Reference for the Committee, on the composition and members of the committee. This includes representatives from agencies and ministries from Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, from research institutions, industry and organisations. A key outcome of the workshop has been the identification of nine thematic areas that will form the priority areas for the work of the committee. These are also part of the ToR for the Committee.

Contact Point:

Steffen Malskaer Olsen, National Center for Climate Research, Danish Meteorological Institute | Email:


The committee was established 2.6.2021. The task of the Finnish National Committee is to draft a plan of actions for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Finland and to coordinate its implementation.

Download the Finnish National Implementation Plan for the Ocean Decade

Contact Point:

Jussi Soramäki, Senior Ministerial Advisor, Maritime policy, Government Strategy Department | Email:


The French National Decade Committee was launched on 7 December 2021. It brings together scientists, academics, representatives from the Government, civil society, NGOs, private sector companies, etc. in marine science and technology, thus covering many areas of expertise. Its role is to coordinate national activities as part of the Ocean Decade, to mobilize the French marine science and technology community to take part to the Decade, to disseminate information and to provide documentary resources on the challenges and issues of the Decade to the various stakeholders and citizens in order to rally them and motivate them to get involved in Decade activities.

Website: Commission Océanographique Intergouvernementale

Contact Point:

Aurélie Chamiot-Prieur, Chargée de mission recherche milieux littoraux et marins, Mission Climat, Observation et Évolution du Système Terre, Sous-direction de la Recherche, Ministère de la Transition Écologique | Email: 


The National Committee (Ozean Dekadenkomitee) was created in the second half of 2020, allowing National Committee members to engage and shape the evolution of the Decade and its implementation in Germany early in the process. The Committee was formally established by the German IOC committee and members of the National Committee were drawn by an open application process from academia, non-profits, government, policy, early careers and industry, comprising a well-rounded body of expertise across multiple groups relevant to the Decade.

The National Committee will hold its launch meeting in June 2021 after the international launch event with the ambition to promote the Decade in Germany and engage participation from all sectors. The National Committee is developing a national action plan and established eight subgroups to facilitate engagement and action towards the Decade objectives. The National Committee website features some generic information about the Decade and will increasingly incorporate announcements made by the National Committee Members, upcoming events, opportunities for early-career professional and youth involvement, Q&A features of those engaged with the Decade, and a list of National Committee members.

Website: Ozean Dekadenkomitee
Link to List of Members

Contact Point:

Ulrike Heine, Science Officer , Deutsches Komitee der UN-Ozeandekade (ODK) · GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel | Email: ;


Contact Points:

Fiona Grant, International Programmes, Marine Institute | Email:
Laura McDonagh, International Programmes, Marine Institute | Email:


The National Committee was created in the second half of 2021, allowing its members to engage and shape the evolution of the Decade and its implementation in Italy early in the process. The Comitato Nazionale Per il Decennio del Mare in Italia (CND-IT) promotes the objectives and opportunities of the UN Ocean Decade, encouraging and facilitating national contributions to Decade actions, also through the submission of proposals. It favours the participation of different typologies of stakeholders (including Academy, institutions Public, companies, associations and civil society) and free access to information and data, decision-making instruments based on science and / or opportunities for knowledge transfer and development of skills.

List of endorsed Decade Actions submitted by Italian Organisations:

  2. The Science We Need for the Mediterranean Sea We Want
  3. The Current III “The Mediterraneans: “Thus waves come in pairs”
  4. CoastPredict – Observing and Predicting the Global Coastal Ocean
  5. Digital innovation Hand-in-Hand with fisheries and ecosystems scientific monitoring
  6. Ocean Literacy With All (OLWA): the change we need for the ocean we want


Contact Point:

Rosalia Santoleri, Chair of the Italian Oceanographic Commission | Email:

Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao and Sint-Maarten

Contact Point:

Maarten Heijnen, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management | Email:


The National Committee of Norway was established on World Ocean’s Day in 2021. The committee represents central ocean communities in Norway, drawn from the fields of research, business sector, NGOs, communication, and public sphere.

The committee’s work builds on a plan for national Ocean Decade priorities. The priorities were formed by an expert group and launched in October 2020 with the document “The UN Decade of Ocean Science. Proposed priority areas for Norway”.

The proposed priority areas are:

  1. Climate and environment interactions
  2. Holistic ocean governance
  3. Healthy and safe seafood for all
  4. Renewable energy from the ocean
  5. Environmentally friendly maritime transport
  6. An ocean of data
  7. Who owns the ocean?
  8. Keeping the Artic as one
  9. Global ocean economy and development aid
  10. Everyone understands the ocean!

For the coming period the committees work is centered around activities that increases awareness of, and mobilizes to, the Ocean Decade, with special emphasis on the business sector. Ocean Literacy is also a central area for the committee with several planned activities ahead.

Read more about the committee:

Read the national priority plan:

Website: The Research Council of Norway’s Ocean Secretariat

Link to proposed priority areas for Norwegian efforts.

Contact Point:

Mette Mila, Senior Advisor, The Ocean Secretariat, The Research Council of Norway | Email:

Siri Granum Carson, Professor in applied ethics, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) | Email:


The Portuguese National Committee for the Decade of the Ocean (CNDO), was created in March 8, 2023, by a joint Diploma from 8 ministers: Foreign Affairs; National Defence; Economy and the Sea; Science, Technology and Higher Education; Education; Environment and Climate Action;  Agriculture and Food; and Finances.  The Committee’s mission is to promote and coordinate Portugal’s action to achieve the objectives of the Ocean Decade, with a particular vision for the Atlantic, closely related to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, especially with regard to SDG 14.

The Committee, reports directly to the members of the Government responsible for Foreign Affairs, the Sea, and Science, Technology and Higher Education, and is coordinated by Luís Menezes Pinheiro (Chair of the Portuguese Committee for the IOC), and two deputy coordinators, Maria João Bebianno and Telmo Carvalho.

The Committee is supported by an Advisory Committee that includes: (1) 7 representatives from the governmental areas of Foreign Affairs, National Defence, the Sea, Science, Education, Environment and Food; (2) 3 representatives from the Directorate-General for Foreign Policy, Directorate-General for Maritime Policy, and the National Science Foundation; (3) 3 personalities of recognized merit; and a Forum of Stakeholders, involving a large number of representatives from academia and research institutes, national laboratories, NGOs, foundations and the private sector.

The work of the committee is also supported by a Technical Secretariat. The Committee works in conjunction with the National Committee for the IOC/UNESCO and it is based at the Portuguese Committee for the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (CP-COI) in the Palácio das Necessidades, and benefits from administrative and logistical support from the General Secretariat for the Economy.

Contact point:

Luís Menezes Pinheiro, Chair of the Portuguese Committee for the IOC | Email:

Russian Federation

Contact Point:

Sergey Shapovalov, Head of the Center for Coordination of Ocean Research | Email:


The Slovenian National Decade Committee has been established and approved by the Slovenian National Commission of UNESCO at its meeting on August 2, 2021.

The National Decade Committee (NDC) acts as an expert and advisory body for the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO. The tasks of the NDC include in particular:
– advising the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO on issues related to the UN Ocean Decade 2021-2030: Oceanography for Sustainable Development;
– proposing and coordinating programmes and activities in the framework of the Ocean Decade (in cooperation with the National Committee of the IOC and the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO);
– bringing together national stakeholders and coordinating their proposals for the Ocean Decade;
– ensuring the implementation of the adopted Ocean Decade Action Programme (in cooperation with the IOC National Committee and the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO);
– participating in international activities of the Ocean Decade;
– ensuring publicity of the Ocean Decade among the interested public (in cooperation with the National Committee of the IOC and the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO).

The NDC reports annually on its work to the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO. The term of office of the NDC members is for the duration of the Ocean Decade, 2021-2030.

Contact Point:

Vesna Flander-Putrle, National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran | Email:


Contact Point:

Rafael González-Quirós Fernández, Director of the Oceanographic Center of Gijon | Email:


In 2021 the Swedish government commissioned Formas, a government research council for sustainable development, to establish and host the National Committee for the Decade. The members in the committee represent national agencies of relevance for ocean, waters, polar regions, climate and international cooperation, marine researchers and NGOs. The largest annual event takes place on World Ocean Day, that will be arranged for the third time, June 8th 2022.

In parallel, the government has also commissioned Formas to carry out a 10-year national research program on ocean and waters that will enable synergies with implementation of the Decade.

Sweden will contribute to the implementation of the Decade, nationally and internationally by:

  • Strengthen cooperation between different actors in marine research and innovation.
  • Strengthen the coordination of investments in marine research and innovation.
  • Disseminate, make available and utilize research and innovation generated by the Decade.
  • Raise knowledge and awareness of the significance of the seas and ocean.
  • Develop exchanges and collaborations between Swedish and international actors and initiatives.
  • Continue to be a committed member of the IOC- Unesco

Information about the committee and activities are presented on a website. National Committee for the UN Decade of Ocean Science

Contact Point:

John Tumpane, Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (Formas) | Email:

United Kingdom

Ocean Decade UK, the UK’s National Decade Committee, was appointed in 2021 to facilitate UK engagement with the UN Ocean Decade. With government representatives and members from across the breadth of ocean disciplines, the Committee includes established researchers and several early career ocean professionals all coming together to champion the UN Ocean Decade.

Ocean Decade UK’s mission statement is ‘To amplify the UK’s collective voice in accelerating transformational ocean science to facilitate the delivery of clean, healthy and resilient, productive, predicted, safe, accessible, inspiring and engaging oceans and seas’. The Committee aims to promote and enable a whole of UK society approach to the Ocean Decade by supporting UK Government and their representatives to the IOC, engaging with the ocean science community and broader society to help inspire and facilitate opportunities within the Decade.

UK researchers and institutions are contributing to a variety of Ocean Decade Actions including the Nutrient Pollution Global Action Network, Global Ocean Decade Programme for Blue Carbon (GO-BC), Joint Exploration of the Twilight Zone Ocean Network and Digital Twins of the Ocean and Seabed 2030.

You can find more information on the website of the UK National Decade Committee:

Contact Point:

Matt Frost (Chair) | Email:
Suzanne Painting (Secretariat) | Email:


New Zealand

The New Zealand Reference Group on the Decade of Ocean Science was established in October 2020 to advise on New Zealand’s contribution to the Decade and to connect the National Commission to relevant networks. In May 2021, the Reference Group was reconstituted as the Aotearoa New Zealand National Decade Committee.

The membership is drawn from across the Aotearoa ocean sector including western scientists, indigenous knowledge specialists, government representatives and youth representatives.

A Decade launch event was hosted at the New Zealand Parliament on UN World Oceans Day in 2021 with a range of presentations about ocean science in New Zealand:

NZ launch of UN Decade of Ocean Science – Schannel van Dijken

NZ Launch of UN Decade of Ocean Science – João De Souza

NZ launch of UN Decade of Ocean Science – Dr Bill Fry

NZ Launch of UN DECADE OF OCEAN SCIENCE – Anne Sophie Pagé

The Committee supports domestic activities, acts as a link between national and international activities and engages stakeholders with the Decade. It has contributed to the virtual lab series and aligning NZ/Pacific projects with endorsed Decade programmes. It also works with Pacific Ocean Science Regional Hub.

In New Zealand, ocean science draws from many knowledges and practices including values and world views of the indigenous peoples of New Zealand and the Pacific. Weaving these knowledge systems into our contribution to the Decade has generated a distinctive multidisciplinary approach to our work.

The website Te Tini a Tangaroa is an online search tool to connect audiences with ocean science currently underway in New Zealand and to showcase the importance of indigenous knowledge.

Contact Point:

Silke Bieda, NZ National Commission for UNESCO | Email:


The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want





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