Ocean Decade + OceanX Pavilion: An Ocean Solutions Partnership during UNFCCC COP28

December 2, 2023 - December 12, 2023
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OceanX and UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission in its role as coordinator of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) are co-hosting a pavilion in the Blue Zone of the UNFCCC COP28.

The Pavilion aims to promote the role of science, media, technology and education to achieve ocean solutions for climate action and sustainable development. It has been developed as an informal space that will provide an opportunity for partners to showcase innovative ocean solutions for climate action and to engage in deep and impactful dialogue that will contribute to the global climate agenda, through:

Ocean Climate Spotlights: Join us every day from 2nd December onwards between 2 and 3pm for the Spotlights! Grab a tea or coffee and listen to a series of short presentations where partners will present their work on innovative ocean climate science solutions and interact with the audience.

Special Events: Special events will be open to the public and will showcase new partnerships and initiatives, as well as conversations with leading experts working on ocean-climate solutions. Seating is limited for these sessions which will allow an intimate conversation between speakers and the audience so make sure you come early to secure your spot!

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues: These invitation-only sessions bring together 10 – 12 expert and thought leaders from diverse backgrounds in an informal and relaxed atmosphere to explore specific issues related to the role of ocean science, media, technology and education in climate action.

The times indicated are in UAE standard time.

The Ocean Decade + OceanX Pavilion is on the first floor of Building 87 in Zone B7. If you come up the stairs as you come in the main door of the building you can’t miss it!


Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Young Island Innovators: A Solutions Framework for Investment and Action

Rayne Sullivan

J.D. Student, Stanford Law School

This event is associated with the Decade Programme Sustainable Blue Food Futures for People & Planet (BlueFood Futures)

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

The world’s fastest research vessels

Richard Brisius

CEO, The Ocean Race


Brian Tsuyoshi Takeda

Founder, Urchinomics

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Building system-level change from the ground-up, led by science-informed ocean technology and innovation in Africa

Alexis Grosskopf

Founder & CEO, OceanHub Afirca

This event is associated with the Decade Contribution 1000 Ocean Start-Ups Coalition

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

Seabed 2030

Jamie McMichael-Phillips / Vicki Ferrini

The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project

Global Decarbonization Without the Need for Deep Seabed Mining

Daniel M Kammen

Professor, University of California, Berkeley

Scaling Up Actions to Empower Women for the Ocean Decade

Zhen Sun

Associate Professor, World Maritime University

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

09:00 am – 10:30 am

Dialogue to enhance and mainstream ocean acidification knowledge in climate change action

Steve Widdicombe 

Co-lead, Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability (OARS)

Kirsten Isensee 

Programme Specialist Ocean Carbon, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO

Jessie Turner

Executive Director,  International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification (OA Alliance)

This event is associated with the Decade Programme Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability (OARS)

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Ocean Climate Dialogue on Blue Carbon

William E.N. Austin

Professor, University of St Andrews, Chair, GO-BC

This event is associated with the Decade Programme Global Ocean Decade Programme for Blue Carbon

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

A high-level road map to determine the efficacy of ocean-based carbon dioxide removal technologies

Brad Ack

CEO, Ocean Visions

An Ocean Biomolecular Observing Network (OBON) for monitoring and protecting marine life through a biomolecular lens

Margaret Leinen

Director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Navigating the Blue Horizon: Strengthening Coastal Resilience through the Blue Economy

Suzan M. El-Gharabawy

Head of the Marine Geophysics Department,  National Institute of Oceanography and fisheries (NIOF)

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Strategic Communications and Ocean Literacy to Address Challenge 10

Natalie Hart

Director of the Ocean Insight and Strategy Unit at Communications Inc

This event is associated with Vision 2030: Working Group 10: Change humanity’s relationship with the ocean

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

Reflections from the Philippines: Creating self-sustaining MPAs with reef-positive businesses

Mary Grace Catapang

GFCR Frontline Youth Representative, Global Fund for Coral Reef, Blue finance/Blue Alliance Philippines

Sounds of the Ocean: Immersive Experiences to inspire Climate Action

Joshua Sam Miller

Founder, Embodied Sounds

SPACEWHALE: Teaming satellite imagery and AI to enhance ocean conservation and thus implement the 30×30 target

Julika Voss

Research Associate, BioConsult SH

Ocean Climate Action – A Private Sector Opportunity and Responsibility

Mark Heine

CEO, Fugro

Special Events

Come early to secure a space and hear from global experts working on ocean climate issues!

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

The Marine Protected Area as Nature-Based Solution to Address Climate Change

Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Republic of Indonesia and Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF)

Vivi Yulaswati

Deputy Minister for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Republic of Indonesia

M. Firman Hidayat

Deputy of Maritime Resources Coordination, Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment of Republic Indonesia

Minna Epps

Director, IUCN Ocean

Meizani Irmadhiany

Senior Vice President & Executive Chair, Konservasi Indonesia

Vincent Pieribone

Co-CEO and Chief Science Officer, OceanX

Lisa Schindler Murray

Director, Natural Climate Solutions, Blue Carbon, Rare


Tonny Wagey

Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund

03:00 pm – 05:00 pm

Creating a Common Agenda for our Shared Ocean

Oceanic Global 

Join Oceanic Global in partnership with IOC/UNESCO for the third edition of the Ocean x Climate Roundtable. The participatory series, launched at COP 27, fosters inclusive dialogue surrounding the ocean-climate nexus and encourages further prioritization of the ocean within the UNFCCC processes, and other UN processes and global convenings. For this third edition, the Roundtable will deep dive into the theme of ‘Nature-based solutions for the Ocean-Climate Nexus’ and will feature participants from UNESCO, UN DOALOS,  the Ocean Climate Platform, UNFCCC Climate Champions, and more.

Alison Clausen
Programme Specialist, IOC/UNESCO, Deputy Coordinator, UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

Valentina Germani
Senior Legal Officer, United Nations

Sam Teicher
Co-Founder & Chief Reef Officer, Coral Vita

Maja Krass 
Operations Specialist for Blue Carbon, Beneath The Waves

Patricia Furtado de Mendonça
Founder & CEO, Acqua Mater

Courtney Fieldman
Principal Sector Strategist, Plexus Strategy

Théophile Bongarts
Project Manager, Ocean and Climate Platform

Sonic Weaver

Contact for more information:

Lea d’Auriol, Founder, Oceanic Global Foundation, lea@oceanic.global

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Using Moonshots to Help Solve the Ocean Decade Challenges

Justin D’Angona

Senior Manager, Partnerships & Impact, XPRIZE

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

Sailing for the UN Ocean Decade: Education for the SDGs and Innovation for the Decarbonization of the Maritime Sector with Ecoship

Emilie McGlone

Director, Peace Boat US

Operational oceanography towards a sustainable and resilient blue economy

Abhisek Chatterjee

Physical Oceanographer and Climate Scientist, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

Special Events

Come early to secure a space and hear from global experts working on ocean climate issues!

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Blue Food Transformation. Future Food and its opportunity

Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Republic of Indonesia and Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF)

Suharso Monoarfa

Minister for National Development Planning / Head of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Republic of Indonesia

Vivi Yulaswati

Deputy Minister for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Republic of Indonesia

Andreas A. Hutahaean

Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia

Tarub Bahri

Fishery Resource Officer & Climate Change Focal Point, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, FAO

Valerie Hickey

Global Director for Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy (ENB), The World Bank

Vel Gnanendran

Director for Energy, Climate and Environment, FCDO-UK


Tonny Wagey

Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund

03:00 pm – 05:00 pm

BBNJ and the Climate Challenge


Join international experts Mr. Clement Yow Mulalap, Legal Advisor to the Permanent Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia to the United Nations and Ms. Valentina Germani Senior Legal Officer, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea at the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations for a fireside chat on “BBNJ and the Climate Challenge”. This interactive discussion will focus on the synergies between the recently adopted treaty on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity beyond national jurisdiction and the global climate agenda. The event will take place in the Ocean Decade + OceanX Pavilion located on the first floor of Building 87, Zone B7 in the Blue Zone of COP28.

Contact for more information:

Alison Clausen, Programme Specialist, IOC/UNESCO, a.clausen@unesco.org

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal: An Ocean Climate Solution or Not?

Brandon Gertz

Director of Communications, Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative

This event is associated with the Decade Programme Challenger 150

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

SMART Ocean-SMART Industries: Radically & cost-effectively scaling up ocean and climate data

Paul Holthus

Founding President and CEO, World Ocean Council

Special Events

Come early to secure a space and hear from global experts working on ocean climate issues!

03:00 pm – 03:30 pm

Sounds of the Ocean: A Mindful Underwater Journey

In this 25-min immersive experience, we invite you to go within yourself and connect deeply with ocean life. Sounds of the Ocean combines sounds of whales & dolphins, original music, immersive visual art and award-winning ocean imagery to guide the audience on a mindful underwater journey.  Believing in the power of peaceful activism, the project’s intention is to inspire ocean action to protect life underwater, while also helping to reduce stress in our modern society.  An award-winning UN Ocean Decade Activity produced by Embodied Sounds. 

Contact for more information:

Joshua Sam Miller, Founder, Embodied Sounds

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

Finding your voice; early career ocean-climate leadership

Gail Sant

Programme Officer, The Nippon Foundation, University of Edinburgh Ocean Voices programme

Unleashing African Ocean Innovation Through an Ecosystem Approach

Herland Cerveaux

Chief Operations Officer, OceanHub Africa

Climate Change and the Role of the Ocean

Dr. Anil Pratap Singh

Secretary & CEO, Global Science Academy (GSA)

Life Comes from the Ocean: An Ocean Song Performance from Latin American Youth

Hazel Araujo

Chair of the Guatemalan chapter, Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA)

Janice Márquez de la Plata Molina

Hub President, Sustainable Ocean Alliance Ecuador

Special Events

Come early to secure a space and hear from global experts working on ocean climate issues!

03:00 pm – 05:00 pm

We Are Ocean

This event will be an open fishbowl discussion and video screening that will discuss: “How can contemporary artists together with scientists, educators, and young people co-create something powerful which leads to behaviour change and addresses solutions for a healthy ocean?”
The session will build on the endorsed Ocean Decade Project ARTPORT_WE ARE OCEAN, led by ARTPORT_making waves, which focuses on the interdisciplinary approach bringing together art, science and informal education to enhance among young people worldwide the understanding of the ocean and all related challenges, as well as possible solutions.

Contact for more information:

Anne-Marie Melster, curator, co-moderator, ARTPORT, anne-marie.melster@artport-project.org

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Can Ocean Decade Actions provide pathways to ocean equity?

Gail Sant 

Programme Officer,  The Nippon Foundation, University of Edinburgh Ocean Voices 

Ocean Voices: building transformative pathways to achieve the Decade’s outcomes

Dr. Meriwether Wilson

Co-Director, Edinburgh Ocean Leaders

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

Transdisciplinary research in transformative ocean-climate governance

Dr. Mitchell Lennan

Lecturer in Environmental Law, University of Aberdeen, One Ocean Hub

Guiding Effective Policy with Deep-Ocean Science

Brandon Gertz

Director of Communications, Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative

Ongedaol Nature Resort: Off the Grid

Ivory Vogt

Climate Solutions Manager, Sustainable Travel International

SEASTORIA: driving nature-positive solutions and biodiversity technology

Rayne Sullivan

J.D. Student, Stanford Law School

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

09:00 am – 10:30 am

Synthesizing COP28 Ocean Outcomes to Direct Youth Action

Mark Haver

Regional Representative for North America, Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA)

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

The Voyage of Ocean Uprise: Emerging Ocean Innovation from a Rising Generation

Bodhi Patil

Co-founder, Ocean Uprise

Ocean biodiscovery, capacity development and equitable access to ocean biodiversity data

Emma Bolton

Field Research Scientist, Basecamp Research

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

09:00 am – 10:30 am

2030 Seagrass Breakthrough Dialogue

Yasmeen Tel Wal 

Program Officer, United Nations

Lauren Lopes


Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Young Island Innovators: A Solutions Framework for Investment and Action

Rayne Sullivan

J.D. Student, Stanford Law School

This event is associated with the Decade Programme Sustainable Blue Food Futures for People & Planet (BlueFood Futures)

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

The world’s fastest research vessels

Richard Brisius

CEO, The Ocean Race


Brian Tsuyoshi Takeda

Founder, Urchinomics


Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Building system-level change from the ground-up, led by science-informed ocean technology and innovation in Africa

Alexis Grosskopf

Founder & CEO, OceanHub Afirca

This event is associated with the Decade Contribution 1000 Ocean Start-Ups Coalition

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

Seabed 2030

Jamie McMichael-Phillips / Vicki Ferrini

The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project

Global Decarbonization Without the Need for Deep Seabed Mining

Daniel M Kammen

Professor, University of California, Berkeley

Scaling Up Actions to Empower Women for the Ocean Decade

Zhen Sun

Associate Professor, World Maritime University


Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

09:00 am – 10:30 am

Dialogue to enhance and mainstream ocean acidification knowledge in climate change action

Steve Widdicombe 

Co-lead, Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability (OARS)

Kirsten Isensee 

Programme Specialist Ocean Carbon, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO

Jessie Turner

Executive Director,  International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification (OA Alliance)

This event is associated with the Decade Programme Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability (OARS)

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Ocean Climate Dialogue on Blue Carbon

William E.N. Austin

Professor, University of St Andrews, Chair, GO-BC

This event is associated with the Decade Programme Global Ocean Decade Programme for Blue Carbon

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

A high-level road map to determine the efficacy of ocean-based carbon dioxide removal technologies

Brad Ack

CEO, Ocean Visions

An Ocean Biomolecular Observing Network (OBON) for monitoring and protecting marine life through a biomolecular lens

Margaret Leinen

Director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Navigating the Blue Horizon: Strengthening Coastal Resilience through the Blue Economy

Suzan M. El-Gharabawy

Head of the Marine Geophysics Department,  National Institute of Oceanography and fisheries (NIOF)


Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Strategic Communications and Ocean Literacy to Address Challenge 10

Natalie Hart

Director of the Ocean Insight and Strategy Unit at Communications Inc

This event is associated with Vision 2030: Working Group 10: Change humanity’s relationship with the ocean

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

Reflections from the Philippines: Creating self-sustaining MPAs with reef-positive businesses

Mary Grace Catapang

GFCR Frontline Youth Representative, Global Fund for Coral Reef, Blue finance/Blue Alliance Philippines

Sounds of the Ocean: Immersive Experiences to inspire Climate Action

Joshua Sam Miller

Founder, Embodied Sounds

SPACEWHALE: Teaming satellite imagery and AI to enhance ocean conservation and thus implement the 30×30 target

Julika Voss

Research Associate, BioConsult SH

Ocean Climate Action – A Private Sector Opportunity and Responsibility

Mark Heine

CEO, Fugro

Special Events

Come early to secure a space and hear from global experts working on ocean climate issues!

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

The Marine Protected Area as Nature-Based Solution to Address Climate Change

Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Republic of Indonesia and Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF)

Vivi Yulaswati

Deputy Minister for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Republic of Indonesia

M. Firman Hidayat

Deputy of Maritime Resources Coordination, Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment of Republic Indonesia

Minna Epps

Director, IUCN Ocean

Meizani Irmadhiany

Senior Vice President & Executive Chair, Konservasi Indonesia

Vincent Pieribone

Co-CEO and Chief Science Officer, OceanX

Lisa Schindler Murray

Director, Natural Climate Solutions, Blue Carbon, Rare


Tonny Wagey

Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund

03:00 pm – 05:00 pm

Creating a Common Agenda for our Shared Ocean

Oceanic Global 

Join Oceanic Global in partnership with IOC/UNESCO for the third edition of the Ocean x Climate Roundtable. The participatory series, launched at COP 27, fosters inclusive dialogue surrounding the ocean-climate nexus and encourages further prioritization of the ocean within the UNFCCC processes, and other UN processes and global convenings. For this third edition, the Roundtable will deep dive into the theme of ‘Nature-based solutions for the Ocean-Climate Nexus’ and will feature participants from UNESCO, UN DOALOS,  the Ocean Climate Platform, UNFCCC Climate Champions, and more.

Alison Clausen
Programme Specialist, IOC/UNESCO, Deputy Coordinator, UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

Valentina Germani
Senior Legal Officer, United Nations

Sam Teicher
Co-Founder & Chief Reef Officer, Coral Vita

Maja Krass 
Operations Specialist for Blue Carbon, Beneath The Waves

Patricia Furtado de Mendonça
Founder & CEO, Acqua Mater

Courtney Fieldman
Principal Sector Strategist, Plexus Strategy

Théophile Bongarts
Project Manager, Ocean and Climate Platform

Sonic Weaver

Contact for more information:

Lea d’Auriol, Founder, Oceanic Global Foundation, lea@oceanic.global


Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Using Moonshots to Help Solve the Ocean Decade Challenges

Justin D’Angona

Senior Manager, Partnerships & Impact, XPRIZE

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

Sailing for the UN Ocean Decade: Education for the SDGs and Innovation for the Decarbonization of the Maritime Sector with Ecoship

Emilie McGlone

Director, Peace Boat US

Operational oceanography towards a sustainable and resilient blue economy

Abhisek Chatterjee

Physical Oceanographer and Climate Scientist, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

Special Events

Come early to secure a space and hear from global experts working on ocean climate issues!

10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Blue Food Transformation. Future Food and its opportunity

Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Republic of Indonesia and Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF)

Suharso Monoarfa

Minister for National Development Planning / Head of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Republic of Indonesia

Vivi Yulaswati

Deputy Minister for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Republic of Indonesia

Andreas A. Hutahaean

Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia

Tarub Bahri

Fishery Resource Officer & Climate Change Focal Point, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, FAO

Valerie Hickey

Global Director for Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy (ENB), The World Bank

Vel Gnanendran

Director for Energy, Climate and Environment, FCDO-UK


Tonny Wagey

Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund

03:00 pm – 05:00 pm

BBNJ and the Climate Challenge


Join international experts Mr. Clement Yow Mulalap, Legal Advisor to the Permanent Mission of the Federated States of Micronesia to the United Nations and Ms. Valentina Germani Senior Legal Officer, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea at the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations for a fireside chat on “BBNJ and the Climate Challenge”. This interactive discussion will focus on the synergies between the recently adopted treaty on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity beyond national jurisdiction and the global climate agenda. The event will take place in the Ocean Decade + OceanX Pavilion located on the first floor of Building 87, Zone B7 in the Blue Zone of COP28.

Contact for more information:

Alison Clausen, Programme Specialist, IOC/UNESCO, a.clausen@unesco.org


Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal: An Ocean Climate Solution or Not?

Brandon Gertz

Director of Communications, Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative

This event is associated with the Decade Programme Challenger 150

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

SMART Ocean-SMART Industries: Radically & cost-effectively scaling up ocean and climate data

Paul Holthus

Founding President and CEO, World Ocean Council

Special Events

Come early to secure a space and hear from global experts working on ocean climate issues!

03:00 pm – 03:30 pm

Sounds of the Ocean: A Mindful Underwater Journey

In this 25-min immersive experience, we invite you to go within yourself and connect deeply with ocean life. Sounds of the Ocean combines sounds of whales & dolphins, original music, immersive visual art and award-winning ocean imagery to guide the audience on a mindful underwater journey.  Believing in the power of peaceful activism, the project’s intention is to inspire ocean action to protect life underwater, while also helping to reduce stress in our modern society.  An award-winning UN Ocean Decade Activity produced by Embodied Sounds. 

Contact for more information:

Joshua Sam Miller, Founder, Embodied Sounds


Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

Finding your voice; early career ocean-climate leadership

Gail Sant

Programme Officer, The Nippon Foundation, University of Edinburgh Ocean Voices programme

Unleashing African Ocean Innovation Through an Ecosystem Approach

Herland Cerveaux

Chief Operations Officer, OceanHub Africa

Climate Change and the Role of the Ocean

Dr. Anil Pratap Singh

Secretary & CEO, Global Science Academy (GSA)

Life Comes from the Ocean: An Ocean Song Performance from Latin American Youth

Hazel Araujo

Chair of the Guatemalan chapter, Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA)

Janice Márquez de la Plata Molina

Hub President, Sustainable Ocean Alliance Ecuador

Special Events

Come early to secure a space and hear from global experts working on ocean climate issues!

03:00 pm – 05:00 pm

We Are Ocean

This event will be an open fishbowl discussion and video screening that will discuss: “How can contemporary artists together with scientists, educators, and young people co-create something powerful which leads to behaviour change and addresses solutions for a healthy ocean?”
The session will build on the endorsed Ocean Decade Project ARTPORT_WE ARE OCEAN, led by ARTPORT_making waves, which focuses on the interdisciplinary approach bringing together art, science and informal education to enhance among young people worldwide the understanding of the ocean and all related challenges, as well as possible solutions.

Contact for more information:

Anne-Marie Melster, curator, co-moderator, ARTPORT, anne-marie.melster@artport-project.org

10 DEC

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

03:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Can Ocean Decade Actions provide pathways to ocean equity?

Gail Sant 

Programme Officer,  The Nippon Foundation, University of Edinburgh Ocean Voices 

Ocean Voices: building transformative pathways to achieve the Decade’s outcomes

Dr. Meriwether Wilson

Co-Director, Edinburgh Ocean Leaders

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

Transdisciplinary research in transformative ocean-climate governance

Dr. Mitchell Lennan

Lecturer in Environmental Law, University of Aberdeen, One Ocean Hub

Guiding Effective Policy with Deep-Ocean Science

Brandon Gertz

Director of Communications, Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative

Ongedaol Nature Resort: Off the Grid

Ivory Vogt

Climate Solutions Manager, Sustainable Travel International

SEASTORIA: driving nature-positive solutions and biodiversity technology

Rayne Sullivan

J.D. Student, Stanford Law School

11 DEC

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

09:00 am – 10:30 am

Synthesizing COP28 Ocean Outcomes to Direct Youth Action

Mark Haver

Regional Representative for North America, Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA)

Ocean Climate Spotlights

Grab a tea or coffee and hear about innovation in ocean climate solutions!

02:00 pm – 03:00 pm

The Voyage of Ocean Uprise: Emerging Ocean Innovation from a Rising Generation

Bodhi Patil

Co-founder, Ocean Uprise

Ocean biodiscovery, capacity development and equitable access to ocean biodiversity data

Emma Bolton

Field Research Scientist, Basecamp Research

12 DEC

Ocean Climate Solutions Dialogues

These events are invitation only events.

09:00 am – 10:30 am

2030 Seagrass Breakthrough Dialogue

Yasmeen Tel Wal 

Program Officer, United Nations

Lauren Lopes


December 2, 2023
December 12, 2023
Event Categories:


UNFCCC COP28, Blue Zone
Expo City Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Ocean Decade


The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want





Join #OceanDecade

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Ocean Decade