Lead institution:
Federal University of ABC – Brazil
The role of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in maintaining the climate and living conditions on the planet has yet to be discovered by the non-specialized public. The polar regions strongly influence oceanic and atmospheric interactions and climate change.
Expanding the media universe on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean makes it possible to awaken perception and awareness of their importance and contributes to forming an Antarctic mentality and oceanic culture.
This project implements a transmedia system linked to a virtual science museum to engage different audiences, expanding their scientific literacy.
A virtual museum will be developed with 3D modelling, virtual objects of different natures (such as virtual objects, applications, simulations) and digital transmedia (such as podcasts, social media, books, distance learning courses, and children’s university) for scientific dissemination to different audiences. A selection of published materials and resources is available below:
Click on each book cover for more information.
The game “Climate Change Dominoes: Adapt or Extinct?” encourages players to link animals from the Antarctic or the Arctic to the adaptive and evolutionary aspects that allow these polar animals to survive in environments hostile to most species. The rules are similar to a traditional domino game; however, players are encouraged to delve deeper into the reflection on the consequences of climate change on the adaptation capacity of these organisms.
In the online game “Humpback Whale”, players help ensure that a humpback whale doesn’t eat plastic.
In the online game “Penguin species”, players must identify the different types of Antarctic penguins.
3D Simulation
The 3D simulation “Antarctica: Witness of Time” shows the geological timeline of the Antarctica, highlighting human-induced changes, including the impacts of climate change.
Start Date: 02/01/2023
End Date: 30/01/2026
Lead Contact: Silvia Dotta (silvia.dotta@ufabc.edu.br)