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Tentacular Thinking

The project “Tentacular Thinking. Experiencing underwater assemblages of culture and nature” envisages the creation of a visual-tactile exhibition of artistic pictures and recovered underwater debris.  It has been granted as […]

The Mysterious World of Bull Kelp

The Mysterious World of Bull Kelp, published by Above/Below in November 2023, is a highly visual webstory about Nereocystis luetkeana, or bull kelp, serving as a comprehensive information hub, connecting […]


Anzio, Italy

FishArt is a 10-month international project funded by the New European Bahahus Cross-KIC Connect 2024 that promotes a radically participatory art and education process supporting the requalification of the Fishermen’s Harbour […]

Saône to Rhône

Saône to Rhône is a field campaign combining interdisciplinary research, education, and awareness-raising around a common theme: the relationship between human populations and aquatic environments. The project takes the form […]

“Save The Baltic Sea” Hiking Expedition

"Save the Baltic Sea" is an environmental hiking expedition around the Baltic Sea, taking place throughout the year 2024, over 6000 km and 8 countries. It is a unique international […]

Under the Sea


Moku proudly presents the 1st annual exhibition Under the Sea, an international online exhibition open to all artists working in new media, video, digital, and photography. In a celebration of artistic talent […]

Healing Waters 2 Art Show

Havre de Grace Maritime Museum Havre de Grace

The painting series "Healing Waters" was born out of the artist Selva Ozelli's desire to prepare an art show that focused on rehabilitating the treasured waters and sea of Chesapeake […]

The Atlantic Ocean. Myths, Art, Science

Henie Onstad Sonja Henies v. 31, Høvikodden

The Atlantic Ocean. Myths, Art, Science is an international themed exhibition at Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Norway, that presents a range of artists and artistic expressions from over a period of 600 […]


“Participatory Art for society engagement with Ocean and Water (PartArt4OW)” aims to strengthen the emotional attachment with the oceans, raise awareness of challenges and develop a trans-European network of artists. […]

THALASSA 2024 Marine Sciences Conference

Sun Hall Hotel, Lanarka, Cyprus Lanarka

Following the success of ‘Thalassa 2022 Conference’, the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CMMI) organizes the second regional conference on marine sciences to bring together leading researchers from academia, industry, […]



University of Bari, Student Multipurpose Center Piazza Cesare Battisti, 1, Bari

The Pink&Green Conference, created by GreenPlanner—a journalistic publication focused on social and environmental sustainability—gives a voice to women in the circular economy. During the event, university professors and researchers, entrepreneurs […]


The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want





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