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The Mysterious World of Bull Kelp, published by Above/Below in November 2023, is a highly visual webstory about Nereocystis luetkeana, or bull kelp, serving as a comprehensive information hub, connecting scientists and the general public to a critical part of the coastal marine ecosystem of the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Above/Below’s mission in creating The Mysterious World of Bull Kelp is to advance ocean literacy generally but specifically to be an aid to marine biology and phycological educators. Above/Below’s hope is that by creating a resource for deep background information on this particular kelp forest habitat, more complex and up-to-date science and ecology can be better understood when presented to a wide ranging audience. To date more than 10,000 visitors have engaged with the wesbitory.
Above/Below is also part of a team of Mendocino County community members organizing a month-long NorthCoast KelpFest! lasting from May 18th until June 16th, 2024. Art, science, food, and film are coming together, offering a range of events for locals and visitors alike to engage with the kelp forest just offshore, whether via art workshops, low-tide seaweed walks, science symposia and panels, film programming, or a wonderful combination of all of the above at the May 18th festival opener at The Mednocino Art Center celebrating the art exhibit, Kelp!