New Call for Decade Actions No. 07/2024 to fill gaps in resource mobilization and capacity development on the path to sustainable ocean management


New Call for Decade Actions No. 07/2024 to fill gaps in resource mobilization and capacity development on the path to sustainable ocean management

New Call for Decade Actions No. 07/2024 to fill gaps in resource mobilization and capacity development on the path to sustainable ocean management 2048 1536 Ocean Decade

Building on the success of the tailored and inclusive approach of its Call for Decade Actions No. 06/2023, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 (‘Ocean Decade’) is tackling resource mobilization and capacity development for Decade Actions in its Call No. 07/2024.

Launched on the heels of the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference, Call for Decade Actions No. 07/2024 aims to fill gaps in funding and resources, as well as to incentivize new initiatives in capacity development as part of the Ocean Decade Capacity Development Facility to support Decade Actions. It falls during the finalization of the Vision 2030 process outcomes and  focuses on galvanizing new contributions and new projects to support and strengthen the existing Decade Actions, thereby ensuring the high impact of the Ocean Decade in the coming years.

In Marzo 2024, the Ocean Decade reached an important milestone of over 500 endorsed Decade Actions. To assure the continued growth and effectiveness of this global ecosystem, notable gaps in both in-kind and financial resource needs for current Decade Actions must be addressed. If the ambitions of the Ocean Decade are to be realized, funding for ocean science from existing and new partners will need to increase significantly.

Capacity development is also a key component of the Call to guarantee the everlasting impact of Decade Actions. Recognizing tangible disparities across geographies, generations and genders in ocean science, the Ocean Decade Capacity Development Facility supports individuals and institutions in developing their skills to deliver sustainable, science-based ocean solutions worldwide.

Structure of Call for Decade Actions No. 07/2024

Part I – Expression of Interest for Decade Programmes

The first part of the Call is dedicated to Expressions of Interest (EOI) for potential Decade Programme proposals aimed at addressing any of the 10 Decade Challenges, in line with the initial priorities identified in the Vision 2030 process.

Part II – Ocean Decade Projects

At the Project level of the Call, 26 endorsed Decade Programmes – over two-thirds of all existing endorsed Programmes – are inviting Decade Project submissions. Please see below and in Annex I of the Guidance Note for Applicants for the full list.

Part III – Ocean Decade Contributions

Decade Contributions of in-kind or financial resources are encouraged to support: (i) priority needs of any of the 23 Decade Programmes that are soliciting Decade Contributions; (ii) priority needs of Decade Collaborative Centres and Coordination Offices and support for the establishment of new structures; and/or (iii) capacity development initiatives to contribute to the Ocean Decade Capacity Development Facility.

Please see Annexes in the Guidance Note for more information.

How to take part in Call for Decade Actions No. 07/2024

Las partes interesadas deben rellenar y enviar la correspondiente "Solicitud de apoyo" en línea, disponible en la Red del Decenio de los Océanos. Tenga en cuenta que existen diferentes formularios en línea y diferentes plazos en función del tipo de Acción que presente.

Durante la preparación de las propuestas, animamos encarecidamente a las partes interesadas a consultar y, en la medida de lo posible, colaborar con otras instituciones y socios que trabajen en temas comunes. La Red del Decenio de los Océanos ofrece una plataforma para identificar posibles socios y oportunidades de colaboración. En el documento de preguntas frecuentes que acompaña a esta convocatoria se ofrece más información sobre los mecanismos para crear asociaciones.

Two online Q&A sessions are planned to provide interested parties with the opportunity to ask questions on the Call for Decade Actions. These sessions will be held on: 

  • 30 Abril 2024 from 07:30 to 08:30 (UTC) – Register here 
  • 30 Abril 2024 from 13:30 to 14:30 (UTC) – Register here 

For additional information or queries, please contact and include “Call for Decade Actions No. 07/2024” in the subject line.


About the Ocean Decade:
Proclaimed in 2017 by the United Nations General Assembly, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) (‘the Ocean Decade’) seeks to stimulate ocean science and knowledge generation to reverse the decline of the state of the ocean system and catalyse new opportunities for sustainable development of this massive marine ecosystem. The vision of the Ocean Decade is ‘the science we need for the ocean we want’. The Ocean Decade provides a convening framework for scientists and stakeholders from diverse sectors to develop the scientific knowledge and the partnerships needed to accelerate and harness advances in ocean science to achieve a better understanding of the ocean system, and deliver science-based solutions to achieve the 2030 Agenda. The UN General Assembly mandated UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) to coordinate the preparations and implementation of the Decade.

Los 26 Programas del Decenio de los Océanos que reciben solicitudes son:

  1. Cuerpo Global del Océano y Transportador
  2. Programa de Investigación del Decenio Oceánico sobre el Entorno Acústico Marítimo (OD MAE)
  3. Programa de Profesionales Oceánicos de Carrera Temprana (ECOP)
  4. Voces del Océano: Construir vías de transformación para lograr los resultados del Decenio
  5. Vida marina 2030
  6. Red de Observación Biomolecular del Océano (OBON)
  7. Capacitar a las mujeres para el Decenio de las Naciones Unidas de las Ciencias Oceánicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible
  8. Década Mundial del Oxígeno Oceánico (GOOD)
  9. Sostenibilidad de los ecosistemas marinos mediante redes mundiales de conocimiento (SmartNET)
  10. The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project (Seabed 2030)
  11. Sostenibilidad, previsibilidad y resiliencia de los ecosistemas marinos (SUPREME)
  12. Estrategia de Observación de los Océanos Profundos (DOOS)
  13. Gemelos digitales del océano (DITTO)
  14. CoastPredict - Observación y predicción del océano costero mundial
  15. Deltas asociados a grandes ríos: Buscando soluciones al problema de la sostenibilidad (Mega Deltas)
  16. Ecosistema Global para Soluciones Oceánicas (GEOS)
  17. Red Oceánica de Exploración Conjunta de la Zona Crepuscular (JETZON)
  18. Investigación de la Acidificación Oceánica para la Sostenibilidad (OARS)
  19. Emisión oceánica mundial negativa de carbono (ONCE mundial)
  20. Sistema de previsión sin fisuras del océano al clima (OSF)
  21. Nutrition Sensitive Marine Aquaculture in Africa (AfriMAQUA)
  22. Digital Deep-sea Typical Habitats (Digital DEPTH)
  23. Nutrient Pollution – Global Action Network (NP-GAN)
  24. Mejores prácticas oceánicas para la década
  25. Global Environment Monitoring System for the Ocean and Coasts (GEMS Ocean) Programme
  26. Programa Tsunami del Decenio Oceánico


La ciencia que necesitamos para el océano que queremos




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