Events for February 15, 2024 - December 1, 2024

Saône to Rhône

Saône to Rhône is a field campaign combining interdisciplinary research, education, and awareness-raising around a common theme: the relationship between human populations and aquatic environments. The project takes the form […]

“Save The Baltic Sea” Hiking Expedition

"Save the Baltic Sea" is an environmental hiking expedition around the Baltic Sea, taking place throughout the year 2024, over 6000 km and 8 countries. It is a unique international […]

2024 French National Symposium for the Ocean Decade

Oceanopolis Port de Plaisance du Moulin Blanc, Brest, France

Join France’s annual Ocean Decade symposium on 12-13 March!  Organized by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion and Océanopolis, the second edition of the French National Symposium for […]

Making a changing ocean closer to citizens

The event "Making a changing ocean closer to citizens" aims to celebrate the achievements of the Catalan Research Institute for the Governance of the Sea-ICATMAR. Addressed to the maritime community […]

TechOceanS Marine Technology Training

PLOCAN Gran Canaria, Spain

Experts from TechOceanS project will provide multidisciplinary practical training that combines lectures and practical sessions working with marine technology, including some of the technology developed in the project. A dedicated […]

Under the Sea


Moku proudly presents the 1st annual exhibition Under the Sea, an international online exhibition open to all artists working in new media, video, digital, and photography. In a celebration of artistic talent […]

The 21st International Ocean Film Festival

Cowell Theater, San Francisco and online

The International Ocean Film Foundation (IOFF) is delighted to announce that the 21st Annual IOFF film festival will be making waves on April 12-14 in person at the Cowell Theater […]

One Ocean Week 2024

Bergen Norway

One Ocean Week is set to become an annual, international meeting point for the ocean we want. Welcome to a full week of conferences, meetings, workshops and cultural activities, pioneering […]


The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want





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