Events for June 8, 2024 - May 23, 2024

Concert: Behold, the Sea Itself!

Di Glocke Concert Hall Domsheide 6-8, Bremen, Germany

Under the title “Behold, the Sea Itself!”, the orchestra and choir of the University of Bremen will perform British composer Vaughn Williams' symphony "A Sea Symphony," written for choir and orchestra and inspired by texts by Walt Whitman. The extremely demanding piece is one of the most underrated compositions of the 20th century. It sends […]

Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference 2024: Bridging billions to Barcelona

INCOIS, Ocean Valley Hyderabad-500090, India

As part of the Ocean Decade framework, the Decade Collaborative Centre for the Indian Ocean Region (DCC-IOR) is organizing the ‘Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference 2024: Bridging Billions to Barcelona. An Official Prelude to the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference’. Sponsored by Ministry of Earth Sciences (Government of India), the conference will take place at the […]

2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 900 Convention Center Blvd., New Orleans, LA

The Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is the flagship conference for the ocean sciences and the larger ocean-connected community. The 2024 meeting will be held in New Orleans, USA, on 18-23 February 2024. The meeting welcomes a diverse community of scientists, students, journalists, policymakers, educators and organizations who are working toward a world where our global […]

GFCM Fish Forum 2024

Antalya, Türkiye

The GFCM Forum on Fisheries Science in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (Fish Forum) is the biggest scientific gathering dedicated to fisheries and related issues in the region. It aims to promote discussions and cooperation among scientists and policymakers towards producing scientific advice and encompasses oceanographic, social science and economic perspectives on fisheries research. […]

EUMETSAT Supporting Marine Earth Observation Applications training course


The annual EUMETSAT Supporting Marine Earth Observation Applications training course offers those working in the marine domain the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with experts to exploit our remote sensing products to further their own, self-defined, application or research specific goals. We welcome ideas that exploit the altimetry, ocean colour and sea surface temperature data streams […]

Seaweek 2024

Seaweek is New Zealand's annual, national celebration of the sea and the ways we are connected to it. Learning about the significance of a healthy ocean in our lives is critical and it comes in many shapes and forms. Seaweek aims to inspire Kiwis to reflect on their relationship with the ocean - and realise […]

VLIZ Marine Science Day 2024

DE GROTE POST H. Serruyslaan 18A, Oostende, Belgium

The next edition of the VLIZ Marine Science Day will be a very special one, as VMSD24 formally frames the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This unique edition of the VLIZ Marine Science Day will take place at De Grote Post in Ostend on Wednesday 6 March 2024. The thematic will […]

2024 French National Symposium for the Ocean Decade

Oceanopolis Port de Plaisance du Moulin Blanc, Brest, France

Join France’s annual Ocean Decade symposium on 12-13 March!  Organized by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion and Océanopolis, the second edition of the French National Symposium for the Ocean Decade, will take place in the Océanopolis Aquarium in Brest.  The symposium will highlight the role of the French community in the Ocean […]

Making a changing ocean closer to citizens

The event "Making a changing ocean closer to citizens" aims to celebrate the achievements of the Catalan Research Institute for the Governance of the Sea-ICATMAR. Addressed to the maritime community of Catalonia, it is expected to be attended by relevant personalities of the marine environment. The Catalan Research Institute for the Governance of the Sea-ICATMAR […]

TechOceanS Marine Technology Training

PLOCAN Gran Canaria, Spain

Experts from TechOceanS project will provide multidisciplinary practical training that combines lectures and practical sessions working with marine technology, including some of the technology developed in the project. A dedicated session on standards and interoperability is also planned. The training will take place at PLOCAN’s facilities in Gran Canaria, Spain between 18th-21st March 2024.

Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge and Summer School 2024

Singapore Polytechnic 500 Dover Road Singapore 139651

SAUVC, in partnership with IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, is the largest underwater student robotics competition in Asia.  It brings together student teams from around the world, challenging them to design and build autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). By navigating a controlled environment and tackling real-world tasks relevant to offshore applications, they gain invaluable experience in AUV […]


The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want





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