Lead institution:
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) & The North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) – Denmark
SMARTNET will establish a global knowledge network (GKN) for ocean science by strengthening and expanding the collaboration of ICES/PICES and partner organizations.
It will support and leverage ICES/PICES member countries’ activities related to the Ocean Decade, by emphasizing areas of mutual research interest including climate change, fisheries and ecosystem-based management, social, ecological and environmental dynamics of marine systems, coastal communities and human dimensions, and communication and capacity development.
It also incorporates strategies to facilitate the Ocean Decade’s cross-cutting inclusivity themes relating to gender equality, early career engagement, and involvement of indigenous communities and developing nations in the planning and implementation of joint activities.
Start Date: 01/01/2021
End Date: 31/12/2030
Lead Contacts: Joern Schmidt (joern.schmidt@ices.dk) and Steven Bograd (steven.bograd@noaa.gov)
Please find below SmartNet’s 2024 ‘Year-in-Review’ report.
Fullscreen ModeThis Programme hosts the following Ocean Decade Projects: