Lead institution:
Sargasso Sea Commission – United States of America (USA)
The overall objective of the nearly $3 million Sargasso Sea GEF-UNDP-UNESCO-IOC project is to facilitate a collaborative, cross-sectoral, and sustainable stewardship mechanism for the Sargasso Sea through improvement of the knowledge base and strengthened frameworks for collaborative management and governance.
The project will complete a socio-ecosystem diagnostic analysis (SEDA) for the Sargasso Sea, the first of its kind for a high seas system, which will lead into the development of a strategic action programme (SAP) for the conservation of the region. This SAP will be endorsed by stakeholders. In addition, the project includes a knowledge management element that will see it capture lessons learned and best practices in order to strengthen stewardship in other areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Start Date: 18/10/2022
End Date: 18/10/2026
Lead Contact: David Freestone (dfreestone@sargassoseacommission.org)