Lead institution:
Sail 4 Ethics Prospective International – Belgium
S4E aims for sustainable ocean-based economic growth by tackling pollution ships from smallholders working on the sectors of fishing, science, transport and tourism in developing, emerging countries and SIDS.
The project seeks to strengthen and promote resilient coastal, maritime economies and local cultures, through a decarbonised approach, promoting and training local fleets’ owners as well as coastal maritime institutions, private sector and economic actors to adopt and invest in propulsion combining sails and engine.
Our perspective consists in providing a pragmatic and practical approach to reduce today oceanic pollution from combustion and petrochemicals derivates (GHG, noise, acidification), participating to science knowledge. It raise awareness, educate the public to the issues of the ocean, to ecosystemic approach of interactions, toward a global shift. A missing link between today’s global black economic and sustainable small blue solutions of tomorrow’s integrated local economy.
Start Date: 01/09/2022
End Date: 01/12/2030
Lead Contact: Marie-Laure Drouet (marielaures4e@gmail.com)