Lead institution:
The Royal Society – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)
The Royal Society’s Science in Public Life programme launched a new workstream in November 2022: the Ocean Science Policy programme.
The programme aims to facilitate the transfer of knowledge between academia and policy. The programme will provide a platform for early career researchers (ECRs) and early career ocean professionals (ECOPs) in marine science to understand the broader utility of their work, notably in policy making, and enhance their networks both with other academics and with policy makers.
Through the programme this Decade Implementing Partner will offer ECRs insight into how their work can influence science policy, and create opportunities for the identification, generation, and use of critical knowledge to meet the goals of the Ocean Decade. The programme also aims to provide policy makers with access to expertise to inform ocean policy in the context of the Ocean Decade.
Start Date: 24/11/2022
End Date: 31/12/2030
Lead Contact: Georgia Park (georgia.park@royalsociety.org)