Lead institution:
Stichting The Ocean Cleanup – Netherlands
The Ocean Cleanup Science & Technology Programme aims to address the disconnect between the reality of plastic pollution and policy development and implementation, by linking remediation, monitoring and scientific research to the policies required to tap systemic gaps.
The outputs are intended to work as a catalyst for systemic change in marine pollution by boosting policies and behavioural change. Its core objectives are to: 1 Improve understanding of riverine plastic emissions and legacy oceanic plastic pollution by conducting scientific research linked to cleanup activities, including remote sensing, categorization of plastic catch and assessment of the impact of floating plastic pollution on marine ecosystems; 2 Improve and develop new technologies to monitor and remove floating plastic pollution; 3 Use scientific findings to establish baselines, to support the coming ILBI on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment; 4 Accelerate policy-making processes and actions.
Start Date: 01/01/2024
End Date: 31/12/2030
Lead Contact: Janne van Eerten, Global Public Affairs Manager, The Ocean Cleanup (globalaffairs@theoceancleanup.com)