Lead institution:
National Oceanography Centre – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)
FLAME will generate innovative, high-resolution, downscaled decadal to centennial projections of future coastal ocean climates and the impacts on coastal ecosystems, hazards, services and resources at the local-regional scales necessary for informed decision making.
It will achieve this by making a step-change in regional Earth System Model process fidelity and climate downscaling approaches, and by providing new projections, downscaling, predictive and hazard assessment tools. FLAME sets a high-level framework to be collectively pursued throughout the Decade, aiming to inform future IPCC reporting. Partners here will target specific polar, temperate, subtropical and tropical regional coastal oceans where initial progress will be made. It will use CoastPredict, other Decade programmes and partner stakeholder networks to turn advances in understanding and predictive ability into actionable products that can inform climate change adaptation and mitigation solutions.
Start Date: 01/10/2022
End Date: 30/09/2027
Lead Contact: Jason Holt (jholt@noc.ac.uk)