Lead institution:
Ocean Data Network – United States of America (USA)
We aim to facilitate the implementation of global fishing vessels based observations to complement already established global observing networks.
Due to the unique data collection capabilities, the complementarity with existing observation networks, and the cost-effective applicability around the world, standardizing and coordinating outputs from local collaborations will enable resulting data to be impactful worldwide. There is tremendous opportunity to unlock coastal data necessary for bringing data-driven, actionable oceanography to a broader range of sciences, industries, and other stakeholders. Complementing existing observation networks and building towards harmonized observing technologies will have compounding benefits beyond the contribution of any single network. Collaboration between science and industry, observing networks, as well as between nations, is key for unlocking the ocean data needed for research, forecasting, and sustainable growth in the blue economy.
This project is also co-led with the following partners: MetOceanSolutions, EMODnet, IPMA, CCMAR, UNSW, Environmental Defense Fund, CNR IRBIM, NOAA Fisheries, Kyushu University, SMHI, Oceanum, and NOAA IOOS.
Start Date: 01/01/2024
End Date: 01/01/2030
Lead Contact: Cooper Van Vranken (cooper@oceandata.net)