Lead institution:
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon – Germany
The key scientific theme is knowledge transfer of scientific findings: The CPT serves as a knowledge hub and information platform for decision-makers and scientists to obtain information services for action.
Tools provide a showcase that addresses the challenge of marine and coastal pollution in temperate and polar coastal zones. The CPT will deliver predictive capacities, services, and products for marine and coastal systems. Some products will link field data with complex models and applications with visualization allowing for forecasting and prediction.
The activity is open for pilot areas (PredictOnTime). This allows for improved decision-making in a cost-effective manner. A co-development framework will ensure the scientific basis for actionable knowledge. The “box of tools” is intended to be co-developed with stakeholders and users using contemporary trans-disciplinary methods. This facilitates interest and use by a range of coastal and marine decision-makers.
Start Date: 1/3/2023
End Date: 31/12/2027
Lead Contact: Ralf Ebinghaus (ralf.ebinghaus@hereon.de)