Lead institution:
Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) – Brazil
This project integrates geosciences and biosciences to manage oil-affected estuaries in Northern Brazil, using innovative methods to inform policy-making on environmental issues.
This project aims to apply multidisciplinary analysis integrating knowledge from the areas of geosciences (sedimentology, geochemistry, chemistry and cartography) and biosciences (taxonomy, systematics, genetics, benthic ecology – foraminifera, diatoms, ciliates and molluscs), with a view to obtaining new data that allow the implementation of methods and solutions for biomonitoring and the management of five estuaries in the Northern of Brazil that were affected by oil spill in 2019.
The innovative of this project is the application of seasonal modeling of environmental and ecological, genetic bank for benthic organisms and metabarcoding analysis for monitoring. Within the pertinence of the issues to be dealt with, especially with regard to hydrocarbon accidents, climate change and the progressive disappearance of biodiversity, it is expected to provide information for Brazilian and world authorities to take measures based on technical and scientific support.
Start Date: 01/02/2023
End Date: 30/03/2025
Lead Contact: Lazaro Laut (lazaro.laut@unirio.br)