Lead institution:
Center for Ocean and Society, Kiel Marine Science, Kiel University – Germany
The Ocean Decade Project Beyond One Ocean Health advances and integrates a range of concepts recognising the impacts of global environmental change on:
(i) the health of ecosystems,
(ii) non-human organisms, and
(iii) humans with an emphasis on the ocean domain.
We envisage building on common framings such as ‘Environmental justice’, ‘Ecohealth’, ‘Planetary Health’ or ‘One Health’ (e.g. Buse et al, 2018; Blenckner et al. 2021) perspectives into the Ocean Decade.
Thus the Beyond One Ocean Health perspective includes issues related to: health and disease in the ocean, ocean-mediated human disease, ocean-related prevention, healing including physical and spiritual well-being concepts, moral and justice of interventions with environmental health outcomes, understanding and living within planetary limits. Most perspectives have in common the desire to safeguard, restore or build regimes under which modern civilisation can flourish.
Start Date: 01/03/2022
End Date: 31/12/2025
Lead Contact: Marie-Catherine Riekhof (mcriekhof@ae.uni-kiel.de)