Lead institution:
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) – Canada
In 2017, an unprecedented number of North Atlantic right whale (NARW) mortalities were observed in the Gulf of St Lawrence. To help protect the NARW, the Government of Canada adopted a suite of protection measures aimed at reducing the risk of vessel strikes and entanglement in fishing gear.
These protection measures are informed by a science-based program that provides up-to-date detections of NARW using aerial surveillance and sophisticated acoustic detection technologies.
Our Decade Action aims to expand near-real time acoustic surveillance in eastern Canada by testing new technologies that will enhance our ability to detect and locate NARW. These detections are currently disseminated through a publicly accessible online platform called Whale Insight.
This visualization tool displays near-real time detections of NARW and will help to inform the management. conservation, and research initiatives implemented to protect this critically endangered species.
Start Date: 17/05/2022
End Date: 31/03/2028
Lead Contact: Adele Labbe (adele.labbe@dfo-mpo.gc.ca)