In April 2024, together with researchers from Delft University and the University Centre in Svalbard…
read moreThis publication presents the outcomes and conclusions of the Forum on Fisheries Science in the…
read moreThe National Science and Technology Institute on Biodiversity of the Blue Amazon – Brazil (INCT-BAA),…
read moreThis call to action from the Ocean Decade Corporate Data Group has been pronounced on Thursday…
read moreAddressing the causes and consequences of ocean acidification is imperative for the preservation of marine…
read moreWith contributions from more than 100 scientists from nearly 30 countries, UNESCO’s State of the…
read moreOcean Decade Vision 2030 White Papers
Ocean Decade Vision 2030 White Papers 1920 1080 Ocean Decade 10 Vision 2030 White Papers, each focusing on a specific Ocean Decade Challenge, represent…
Report of the Ninth meeting of the Decade Advisory Board (21-23 May 2024)
Report of the Ninth meeting of the Decade Advisory Board (21-23 May 2024) 1154 1248 Ocean Decade jointly in January 2023 by Fugro and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission IOC of UNESCO…
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