One month following the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference, the new Decade Advisory Board members convened for their first in-person meeting from 21 to 23 Mayo 2024 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. The discussions centered on updates on Ocean Decade implementation, its prospects, and strategic orientation, guided by the outcomes of the Ocean Decade Vision 2030 process.
In response to the rapid expansion of the Ocean Decade ecosystem, the second cohort of the multi-stakeholder Decade Advisory Board was established last Diciembre. Comprising experts from diverse backgrounds and representing over a dozen countries, the 15-member panel will bring new viewpoints and strategic guidance on the next steps and priorities for the Ocean Decade for the period 2024-2025.
During the three-day meeting, the Decade Coordination Unit, hosted within the Secretariat of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC), provided key updates and perspectives on the Ocean Decade, with a focus on resource mobilization strategies. With 2025 marking the halfway point of the initiative, it was also the occasion to outline requirements for a mid-term evaluation, allowing for a comprehensive stocktaking of progress at global and regional levels.
A large part of the discussions was dedicated to the outcomes of Vision 2030, the Ocean Decade’s strategic ambition setting process for identifying a common measure of success for each of the 10 Decade Challenges. Through dedicated Working Group sessions, Board members explored cross-cutting priority themes emerging from the Vision 2030 Outcomes Report and 10 White Papers and made a series of recommendations. Among these were the need for clear strategies to target, expand, and sustain financing and resources for Decade Actions, as well as to strengthen the ocean science-policy interface through dialogue with multiple stakeholders at all levels.
The overview and discussions around the strategic ambition for each Challenge enabled the identification of high-level targets for the Ocean Decade leading up to three key milestones: the 2025 UN Ocean Conference, the next Ocean Decade Conference in 2027, and the end of the Decade in 2030.
The exchanges also covered capacity development and inclusivity, in particular under the umbrella of the Ocean Decade Capacity Development Facility. Board members outlined a set of actions aimed at facilitating the development of funding models, skill sets, employment opportunities, access to data, and inclusion in global decision-making entities for scientists and policymakers.
“The Decade Advisory Board plays a key part in building the Ocean Decade roadmap to 2030,” said Vidar Helgesen, Executive Secretary of the UNESCO-IOC and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO. “We have come out of this gathering with tailored action frameworks to operationalize the key recommendations of the Vision 2030 process, including the translation of a global ambition to regional and national priorities.”
The Board also reviewed and made recommendations on the endorsement of Decade Programme submissions received as part of Calls for Decade Actions No.06/2023 and No. 07/2024. These suggestions will be considered by the UNESCO-IOC Executive Secretary in determining the final decision for endorsement, with announcements scheduled for World Oceans Day on 8 Junio 2024.
La próxima reunión del Consejo se celebrará en formato virtual en septiembre de 2024.
Conozca a los miembros del Consejo Asesor de Decenio del Océano
Acerca de la Decenio del Océano:
Proclamada en 2017 por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, la Década de las Naciones Unidas de Ciencias Oceánicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible (2021-2030) ('la Decenio del Océano') busca estimular la ciencia de los océanos y la generación de conocimientos para revertir el deterioro del estado del sistema oceánico y catalizar nuevas oportunidades para el desarrollo sostenible de este enorme ecosistema marino. La visión de Decenio del Océano es "la ciencia que necesitamos para el océano que queremos". Decenio del Océano proporciona un marco de convocatoria para científicos y partes interesadas de diversos sectores con el fin de desarrollar el conocimiento científico y las asociaciones necesarias para acelerar y aprovechar los avances en las ciencias oceánicas para lograr una mejor comprensión del sistema oceánico y ofrecer soluciones basadas en la ciencia para alcanzar la Agenda 2030. La Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas encomendó a la Comisión Oceanográfica Intergubernamental (COI) de la UNESCO la coordinación de los preparativos y la ejecución del Decenio.
Acerca de la UNESCO-COI:
La Comisión Oceanográfica Intergubernamental de la UNESCO (UNESCO-COI) promueve la cooperación internacional en ciencias del mar para mejorar la gestión de los océanos, las costas y los recursos marinos. La COI permite a sus 150 Estados Miembros trabajar juntos coordinando programas de desarrollo de capacidades, observaciones y servicios oceánicos, ciencias del mar y alerta contra los tsunamis. El trabajo de la COI contribuye a la misión de la UNESCO de promover el avance de la ciencia y sus aplicaciones para desarrollar el conocimiento y la capacidad, claves para el progreso económico y social, base de la paz y el desarrollo sostenible.