Lead institution:
Plymouth Marine Laboratory – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)
University of Washington – United States of America (USA)
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, IOC/UNESCO – France
OARS will foster the development of the science of ocean acidification including the impacts on marine life and sustainability of marine ecosystems in estuarine-coastal-open ocean environments.
The programme will address the SDG target 14.3 ‘Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification (OA), including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels’. Key components include:
- Enhancing regional collaborative efforts,
- Coordination of capacity building in science,
- Co-design and implement observation and research to address the threat of ocean acidification, and
- Communication and delivery of the outputs to policy makers and communities.
Start Date: 30/06/2021
End Date: 31/12/2030
Lead Contacts: Kirsten Isensee (k.isensee@unesco.org) and Amy Kenworthy (ake@pml.ac.uk)
This Programme hosts the following Ocean Decade Projects:
Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability: A Community Vision for the Ocean Decade
This Technical Report sets out, for the benefit of the whole ocean community, scientists, science communicators, policy makers and stakeholders, the relevant outputs, activities, and enablers around ocean acidification that will be required to achieve the seven Ocean Decade Outcomes.