Vision 2030

Ocean Decade Vision 2030 White Papers

Ocean Decade Vision 2030 White Papers 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

The 10 Vision 2030 White Papers, each focusing on a specific Ocean Decade Challenge, represent…

Decade Advisory Board leverages Vision 2030 outcomes to identify priority actions for the Ocean Decade

Decade Advisory Board leverages Vision 2030 outcomes to identify priority actions for the Ocean Decade 2483 1378 Ocean Decade

One month following the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference, the new Decade Advisory Board members convened…

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Vision 2030: Working Group 5 aims to unlock ocean-based solutions to climate change

Vision 2030: Working Group 5 aims to unlock ocean-based solutions to climate change 2000 1333 Ocean Decade

Maintaining the balance of the Earth’s climate systems, the ocean is responsible for absorbing as…

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Vision 2030: Working Group 4 leads efforts towards integrated ocean management and a sustainable ocean economy

Vision 2030: Working Group 4 leads efforts towards integrated ocean management and a sustainable ocean economy 2560 1703 Ocean Decade

Beyond its functions of climate regulator and ecosystem support, the ocean plays a pivotal economic…

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2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting: Inspiring co-designed transformative ocean science

2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting: Inspiring co-designed transformative ocean science 616 822 Ocean Decade

The Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024, the flagship ocean sciences conference for the larger ocean-connected community,…

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Shifting tides: Vision 2030 Working Group 10 paves the way to redefine humanity’s relationship with the ocean

Shifting tides: Vision 2030 Working Group 10 paves the way to redefine humanity’s relationship with the ocean 2560 1707 Ocean Decade

In the face of increasing anthropogenic threats to ecosystems and livelihoods, such as marine pollution,…

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Vision 2030: Working Group 2 members collaborate to strengthen the protection and restoration of ocean ecosystems and their biodiversity

Vision 2030: Working Group 2 members collaborate to strengthen the protection and restoration of ocean ecosystems and their biodiversity 1000 540 Ocean Decade

Encompassing 71% of the Earth’s surface and with an average depth of 4,000 meters, the…

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Your voice matters: Take part in the review process of the Ocean Decade Vision 2030 White Papers

Your voice matters: Take part in the review process of the Ocean Decade Vision 2030 White Papers 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

Between 22 January and 22 February 2024, the global ocean community is invited to actively…

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The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want





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