Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy

Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy

Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy 1800 1350 Década dos oceanos

Instituição líder:

Euro-Mediterranean University – Slovenia

The project’s setup builds on the collaborative, inter-institutional and region-wide approach that is ingrained in the nature of the EMUNI University.

The EMUNI University was established by 43 Heads of states to build bridges among institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region (EU plus South Mediterranean states). The project’s expertise is strong and builds directly on the results of past activities carried out in the field of blue economy (the Bluemed initiative, COST actions and regional contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Seas). The team is markedly interdisciplinary (involving profiles of various marine sciences, governance, and arts), and complementary also in terms of ability to reach out to stakeholders and the project’s target audience. This is constituted by researchers, higher education teachers, educators, policy-makers at both national and regional levels, local stakeholders and lay audience/usual citizens.

Data de início: 01/03/2022
Data de fim: 01/03/2025

Lead Contacts:

challenges: 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, 5- Ocean-Climate Nexus
bacias_marítimas: Mar Mediterrâneo
tipo_de_acção: Projeto


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