
2024 Ocean Decade Conference: Launch of calls for posters and oral presentations!

2024 Ocean Decade Conference: Launch of calls for posters and oral presentations! 1000 500 Ocean Decade

As the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona, Spain, draws nearer the Conference organizers have…

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Vision 2030: Working Group 3 investigates the role of aquatic foods in sustainably feeding a growing global population

Vision 2030: Working Group 3 investigates the role of aquatic foods in sustainably feeding a growing global population 1000 540 Ocean Decade

With billions of people depending on the ocean as a primary source of nutrition and…

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New Decade Coordination Office launched to strengthen the relationship between people and the ocean

New Decade Coordination Office launched to strengthen the relationship between people and the ocean 2560 1681 Ocean Decade

A new Decade Coordination Office (DCO) “Connecting People and Ocean” joins the global ecosystem of…

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Local marine science projects endorsed by UNESCO

Local marine science projects endorsed by UNESCO 2560 1438 Ocean Decade

Two Cook Government funded marine science projects have been endorsed by the Ocean Decade, a…

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The Ocean Decade reinforces its global impact through endorsement of new Decade Actions

The Ocean Decade reinforces its global impact through endorsement of new Decade Actions 2560 1707 Ocean Decade

Ahead of the upcoming 28th UN Climate Change Conference, the United Nations Decade of Ocean…

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OceanX Partners with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO to Implement Ocean Decade Goals

OceanX Partners with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO to Implement Ocean Decade Goals 2000 1333 Ocean Decade

The partnership marks the ocean exploration nonprofit’s latest effort to collaborate with global entities to…

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Ocean Decade launches new Call for Decade Actions No. 06/2023 that will support co-design of new Decade Actions in Africa and Caribbean SIDS

Ocean Decade launches new Call for Decade Actions No. 06/2023 that will support co-design of new Decade Actions in Africa and Caribbean SIDS 2560 853 Ocean Decade

Highly dependent on marine resources, a large number of African countries and Small Island Developing…

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Monaco Statement reinforces the voices of philanthropic community in global ocean action

Monaco Statement reinforces the voices of philanthropic community in global ocean action 1000 540 Ocean Decade

Already signed by 24 Foundations, a joint statement amplifying the role of the philanthropic community…

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Heirs To Our Ocean unlocks the power of the next generation to catalyze action for a healthier ocean

Heirs To Our Ocean unlocks the power of the next generation to catalyze action for a healthier ocean 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

Heirs to Our Ocean (H2OO), a Decade Implementing Partner founded and led by youth, has…

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The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want





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