Ocean Decade

Kindergarten of the Lagoon empowers youth in becoming the future Generation Ocean

Kindergarten of the Lagoon empowers youth in becoming the future Generation Ocean 2000 1125 Ocean Decade

On 4 May 2022, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and the Prada Group unveiled…

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Ocean Decade unveils new set of endorsed Actions on all continents

Ocean Decade unveils new set of endorsed Actions on all continents 2000 1334 Ocean Decade

UNESCO has announced the endorsement of 63 new endorsed Actions in the context of the…

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Ocean Decade expands global coordination network to strengthen impact of activities

Ocean Decade expands global coordination network to strengthen impact of activities 2000 1333 Ocean Decade

Five Ocean Decade Collaborative Centres (DCCs) and three new Ocean Decade Implementing Partners (DIPs) will…

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The Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection and UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission convene the Second Foundations Dialogue to mobilise the philanthropic community in support of the Ocean Decade

The Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection and UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission convene the Second Foundations Dialogue to mobilise the philanthropic community in support of the Ocean Decade 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

Rabat, Morocco – 1 June 2022: The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO) and the…

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Republic of Palau joins the Ocean Decade Alliance

Republic of Palau joins the Ocean Decade Alliance 2000 1334 Ocean Decade

Fresh off hosting the 2022 Our Ocean Conference (13-14 April), the President of the Republic…

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New roadmap sets out nine priority actions for the implementation of the Ocean Decade in Africa

New roadmap sets out nine priority actions for the implementation of the Ocean Decade in Africa 1000 540 Ocean Decade

Building on a robust participatory process initiated in 2018, the Ocean Decade Africa Roadmap provides…

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Ocean Decade launches new Call for Decade Actions No. 03/2022

Ocean Decade launches new Call for Decade Actions No. 03/2022 2000 1334 Ocean Decade

Coinciding with the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture, the scope of the new…

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Ocean Decade Advisory Board: first in-person meeting focuses on strategic guidance and review of Decade Actions proposed for endorsement

Ocean Decade Advisory Board: first in-person meeting focuses on strategic guidance and review of Decade Actions proposed for endorsement 980 551 Ocean Decade

The members of the Decade Advisory Board met on 28-30 March 2022 at UNESCO Headquarters…

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Three new MeerWissen projects selected to strengthen marine Nature-based Solutions in Africa

Three new MeerWissen projects selected to strengthen marine Nature-based Solutions in Africa 390 211 Ocean Decade

Press release 4 October 2022 I Bonn/Paris – The MeerWissen Initiative – African-German Partners for Ocean…

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The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want





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