
Ten remarkable new marine species from 2021

Ten remarkable new marine species from 2021 500 430 Ocean Decade

As for previous years, the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) has again released its…

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UNESCO issues new scientific summary for policymakers for effective management of multiple ocean stressors

UNESCO issues new scientific summary for policymakers for effective management of multiple ocean stressors 624 880 Ocean Decade

UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO) published a new Scientific Summary on Multiple Ocean Stressors for…

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Aquarium seeking visionary leaders for global ocean conservation fellowship program

Aquarium seeking visionary leaders for global ocean conservation fellowship program 760 505 Ocean Decade

The New England Aquarium is seeking visionary, collaborative leaders for its Marine Conservation Action Fund,…

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Scientists prepare for ‘anthropulse’ as Covid-19 travel restrictions ease

Scientists prepare for ‘anthropulse’ as Covid-19 travel restrictions ease 1280 853 Ocean Decade

A leading ecologist from the University of St Andrews calls for coordinated action to investigate…

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Do you want to get involved in the Ocean Decade and play a key role within our global community? We are seeking candidates to join the new Ocean Decade Expert Roster!

Do you want to get involved in the Ocean Decade and play a key role within our global community? We are seeking candidates to join the new Ocean Decade Expert Roster! 2000 1333 Ocean Decade

The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 (‘Ocean Decade’) has launched…

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Meet our Early Career Ocean Professionals: Mukut Biswas and Arunava Ghosh (India)

Meet our Early Career Ocean Professionals: Mukut Biswas and Arunava Ghosh (India) 519 671 Ocean Decade

This month’s journey into the Ocean Decade’s ECOP Programme brings us to the state of…

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International Ocean Data Conference 2022 concludes with new commitments on achieving a global ocean digital ecosystem

International Ocean Data Conference 2022 concludes with new commitments on achieving a global ocean digital ecosystem 2560 500 Ocean Decade

At the International Ocean Data Conference 2022 (14-16 February 2022) in Poland, attendees agreed on…

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Ocean Decade Laboratory “A Healthy and Resilient Ocean” to begin on 9 March

Ocean Decade Laboratory “A Healthy and Resilient Ocean” to begin on 9 March 1222 611 Ocean Decade

From 9 to 11 March participants from across the world will come together for the…

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UNESCO-IOC and Prada Group together for Sea Beyond

UNESCO-IOC and Prada Group together for Sea Beyond 1080 1350 Ocean Decade

UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO-IOC) and the Prada Group, are pleased to provide an update…

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Call for Expressions of Interest to host Second International Ocean Decade Conference

Call for Expressions of Interest to host Second International Ocean Decade Conference 2000 1278 Ocean Decade

The First International Ocean Decade Conference was generously supported by Germany in virtual mode. The…

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