Elite Centre of Aquatic Nature-based Solutions


Elite Centre of Aquatic Nature-based Solutions

Elite Centre of Aquatic Nature-based Solutions 2000 1333 Década Oceánica

Institución principal:

University of Southern Denmark – Denmark

The Elite Centre of Aquatic Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (aquaNbS) aims to scale up and integrate approaches of Aquatic Nature-based Solutions to expand the provision of multiple ecosystem services, including carbon storage, climate regulation, water filtration, coastal protection, and food-web support.

We apply cross-disciplinary approaches that span the full land-sea continuum and incorporate a comprehensive range of technological, institutional, and socio-economic settings. Aqua-NbS will investigate aquatic habitats and their valuable ecosystem services to craft inclusive, detailed guidelines on cost-effective opportunities and address the challenges in upscaling aquatic NbS. The project is strongly based on knowledge brokerage and co-creation through the involvement of key stakeholders at national and international levels, including local communities and civil society.

Fecha de inicio: 28/03/2023
Fecha de finalización: 28/03/2027

Lead Contact: Alberto Innocenti (alinn@iti.sdu.dk)

challenges: 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, 5- Ocean-Climate Nexus, 9- Capacity Development
ocean_basins: Baltic Sea, North Sea
tipo_de_accion: Proyecto


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