Ocean Decade Corporate Data Group

Unlocking privately-held ocean data for the benefit of science

What is the Ocean Decade Corporate Data Group?

To move from “the ocean we have to the ocean we want”, we need relevant, timely, reliable and accessible ocean data, information and knowledge – and private industry has a key role to play in this endeavour.

The Ocean Decade Corporate Data Group (CDG) was established jointly by Fugro and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission IOC of UNESCO (IOC/UNESCO) in its role as coordinator of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 (the ‘Ocean Decade’).

The CDG comprises private sector companies representing a wide variety of marine industries, including fisheries, energy, telecommunications, and marine contractors. The Working Group is focused on creating frameworks and mechanisms to make privately owned ocean science data publicly available for the benefit of humanity.

어떻게 작동하나요?

The goal of the CDG is to establish strategies and best practices for private sector organisations to provide public access to their privately-owned ocean data. This work will help fill data gaps to boost our scientific understanding of the ocean and help develop sustainable solutions and policies to reverse the cycle of decline in the ocean’s health. It will also provide valuable new insights to private companies operating offshore and in coastal environments.

Why get involved?

Companies have much to gain from contributing data and resources to the Ocean Decade and actively supporting ocean stewardship.

By contributing to sustainable development, companies will:

Achieve greater visibility and reputation
as an ocean economy leader, attracting potential employees, investment, and financing.

Enhance operational efficiency and ESG performance
through improved insights, models, and forecasts resulting from collaborative data sharing.

Participate in high-level
networking events

to foster partnerships and uncover new business opportunities.

How to contribute?

  • Participate in regular online calls, plus a couple of in-person meetings or events per year.
  • Discuss and help implement strategies to provide public access to privately owned ocean data.
  • Actively promote the Ocean Decade within members’ industries and professional associations.

어떻게 참여하나요?

We are looking for additional members! Email us for more information on how to get involved.

Contact: Louis Demargne, Ocean Decade Data and Knowledge Management Officer, IOC/UNESCO (l.demargne@unesco.org)

Institutional members

Ocean Decade Corporate Data Group launch event

Watch the launch event of the Ocean Decade Corporate Data Group at the 2024 Ocean Decade Conference (11 4월, Barcelona, Spain)

Resources and Publications

Click here to read the brochure “Ocean Decade Corporate Data Group: Why participate?”

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