Vaka Oceanstory Lab

Vaka Oceanstory Lab

Vaka Oceanstory Lab 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

리드 기관:

Okeanos Foundation for the sea Germany

The “Vaka Oceanstory Lab » initiative by the Okeanos Foundation leverages traditional Polynesian sailing canoes, Vakas, as a platform for inspirational knowledge, exploration and social change.

Crewed by indigenous knowledge holders and captained by indigenous celestial navigators, each Vaka sleeps 12 and transports up to 3 tons. Okeanos’ Vakas have aided in disaster relief, connectivity, and research in the Pacific Ocean. As climate change intensifies, there is an urgent need to combine indigenous knowledge with the latest science to mitigate and adapt to changes. Over 2024-2026, two Vakas will serve as platforms for film-makers, indigenous knowledge holders, and story tellers, and will collect and share insights via partnerships with local communities, universities, museums and media platforms. By uniting tradition and science, VOL will aid in marine ecosystem management and will promote ocean literacy leading to a holistic and sustainable future for marine conservation.

Start date: 01/01/2024
End date: 31/12/2026

Lead Contact: Eliane Koller Valadier (

도전 과제: 2- 생태계 및 생물 다양성 보호 및 복원, 9- 역량 개발, 10- 행동 변화
type_of_action: 프로젝트

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