Pilot Digital Twins for Water Pollution in Africa

Pilot Digital Twins for Water Pollution in Africa

Pilot Digital Twins for Water Pollution in Africa 2560 1708 Ocean Decade

리드 기관:

Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) – Portugal

WOLLF will co-design, implement, and demonstrate pilot Digital Twins in selected regions of Africa (Nigeria and Cape Verde), to increase coastal communities and ecosystems’ resilience to water pollution hazards, including their effect on fisheries and aquaculture.

The pilot Digital Twins will include high-resolution operational models, using the OPENCoastS service, and real-time data. The project builds on a collaborative process, involving the scientific community, local stakeholders, and traditional users, to deliver tailored information to all, framed in the Ocean Decade goals.

An open platform will be created in local languages to give local communities the means to build on their local and traditional knowledge. Demonstration, training, and capacity-building tasks will promote the adoption of the new tools. WOLLF will empower coastal communities to deal with pollution hazards effectively and better understand their effect on blue economy activities, by supporting decision-making.

Start Date: 15/03/2023
End Date: 15/03/2026

Lead Contact: Marta Rodrigues (mfrodrigues@lnec.pt)

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