3D sensors for contaminants and marine toxins

3D sensors for contaminants and marine toxins

3D sensors for contaminants and marine toxins 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

리드 기관:

Federal University of Santa Catarina – Brazil

This interdisciplinary project propose the development of 3D sensors for in loco monitoring of emerging compounds and marine toxins in the coastal ecosystem.

The occurrence of several emerging contaminants from effluents, in addition to presenting a risk to health, lead to the accumulation of rich nutrients for the proliferation of harmful algae, with the consequent release of toxins. This fact poses a risk to shellfish and oyster farmers, leading to economic losses and health risks due to poisoning through the ingestion of contaminated shellfish and oysters. Thus, two work fronts are proposed here using 3D printed sensors. The first will be the multi-analysis in loco of emerging contaminants in the marine ecosystem. The second will include the development of immunosensors for marine toxins from red algae. They will be more practical and economical solutions with the generation of quick responses (portable potentiostats and 3D sensors) that are easy for users to understand.

Start date: 01/01/2023
End date: 31/12/2025

Lead Contact: Iolanda Cruz Vieira (iolanda.vieira@ufsc.br)

challenges: 1- Understand and beat marine pollution, 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, 3- Sustainable Blue Food
type_of_action: 프로젝트

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