“Our Ocean from Space” exhibition inaugurated today in Barcelona

Our Ocean from Space

“Our Ocean from Space” exhibition inaugurated today in Barcelona

“Our Ocean from Space” exhibition inaugurated today in Barcelona 1920 1280 Ocean Decade

“Our Ocean from Space” is a travelling exhibition examining the ocean’s dynamics as viewed from Space. Using stunning Earth observation satellite images, augmented reality, and interviews with experts, local decision-makers, and coastal inhabitants engaged in the United Nations Ocean Decade, the exhibition explores current efforts to protect our valuable marine ecosystems.

The exhibition was inaugurated today at the Port of Barcelona in the frame of the United Nations Ocean Decade Conference. Speakers included David Pino, Manager, Port Vell; Vidar Helgesen, Executive Secretary, IOC/UNESCO; Craig Donlon, Head of Earth Observation System Architect Office, European Space Agency; Miriam Moysset I Gil, General Director, Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC); Francesc Sutrias I Grau, Secretariat of Territory Urban Planning and Urban Agenda, Department of Territory; and the curators Fiorella Coliolo and Benoit Delplanque. The exhibition will be on tour during 3 years andwill visit a series of major international events to raise awareness about the main environmental issues affecting the Ocean.

“Our Ocean from Space” covers a range of scientific topics including changes to artic sea ice, ocean warming, rising sea levels, the role of sea salinity and ocean currents, and the consequences of climate change on coral reefs and biodiversity.  During the exhibition, visitors will discover how Earth observation satellites monitor the way gravity influences ocean dynamics, maritime traffic, and marine protected areas.

With its breath-taking images and video-interviews, “Our Ocean from Space” showcases concrete examples of how innovation can help ecological transition while encouraging people to better understand the Ocean, change their practices, and develop sustainable approaches. 

Visitors will discover the fragile beauty of our ocean as viewed from space and how scientists and local communities are engaged to protect this vital resource against the consequences of climate change and how to adopt a more responsible relationship to the sea for the sake of future generations.

In the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the exhibition aims to engage the public, key actors in space technology, decision-makers, and students and young professionals working in the domain and represents a unique opportunity to encourage scientists and stakeholders to come together and deliver science-based solutions to achieve the 2030 Agenda.

“Our Ocean from Space”, Fiorella Coliolo and Benoit Delplanque, is coproduced by UNESCO and ESA, with the support of Mercator Ocean International and the Italian Space Agency, ASI, the French Space Agency (CNES), the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC), Planetek Italia, the Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), SHOM and the Maldives Space Research Organisation (MSRO).


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