언더 더 씨

2024년 4월 1일 - 2024년 8월 2일
이벤트 로드

뉴미디어, 비디오, 디지털, 사진 분야에서 활동하는 모든 아티스트가 참여할 수 있는 국제 온라인 전시회인 제1회 언더 더 씨 전시회를 자랑스럽게 개최합니다.

In a celebration of artistic talent and a commitment to ocean conservation and education, Moku Art Studio is thrilled to announce the launch of Under the Sea, a virtual exhibition showcasing the works of passionate artists dedicated to the future of our oceans.

We want to thank our esteemed judges Dr. Thom Linley, Dr. Alan Jamieson, Dr. Helen Scales, Dr. Sarah McAnulty, Lea Kannar-Lichtenberger, and Jason deCaires Taylor for their valuable time, expertise, and commitment to the meaning, message, and values of this exhibition.

With 17 participating artists hailing from 9 countries, Under the Sea presents a diverse array of artworks spanning various mediums including painting, photography, digital animations, video, and more. Each piece is a poignant reflection of the artists’ connection to the ocean and their advocacy for its preservation. Through their art, these talented individuals offer unique perspectives on the challenges facing our oceans and inspire us to take action for a sustainable future.

Under the Sea will be accessible online starting 4월 10th, 2024 at www.mokuartstudio.com/under-the-sea Immerse yourself in the beauty and importance of the ocean through the captivating works of these contemporary artists.

세부 정보

4월 1, 2024
8월 2, 2024
이벤트 카테고리:




모쿠, TOP Co-OP

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다에 필요한 과학


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