Making a changing ocean closer to citizens

3월 13, 2024
이벤트 로드
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The event “Making a changing ocean closer to citizens” aims to celebrate the achievements of the Catalan Research Institute for the Governance of the Sea-ICATMAR. Addressed to the maritime community of Catalonia, it is expected to be attended by relevant personalities of the marine environment.

The Catalan Research Institute for the Governance of the Sea-ICATMAR is an autonomous body created in 2018 by the Directorate General of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs of the Government of Catalonia to provide scientific advice of excellence in the frame of the Maritime Strategy of Catalonia.

ICATMAR has developed two monitoring services aligned with the novel co-management model implemented by the Catalan Government and the EU Common Fisheries Policy; “SAP: Adaptive fisheries assessment in a changing ocean” and “SOCAT: Making oceanographic data available to all”. These programs cover recreational and commercial fishing resources along the Catalan coast, and provide observational, analytical and predictive data of physical characteristics of the sea.

세부 정보

3월 13, 2024
이벤트 카테고리:


Generalitat de Catalunya – Government of Catalonia

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