Women from the Sea

Women from the Sea

Women from the Sea 1707 2560 Ocean Decade

리드 기관:

Help Images – Associação de Promoção e Apoio à Solidariedade Social Portugal

By tapping into women’s profound emotional connection with the ocean, this project empowers women by creating a virtual hub that unites science and sentiment on an international platform.

This platform will not only facilitate cross-border collaborations, provide access to opportunities, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience, but will also amplify the voices of women whose deep affinity for the ocean drives them to champion the science and action required for its preservation. Through compelling documentaries, campaigns, and narratives, the project intertwines emotion and action and will use personal stories to kindle a collective commitment to safeguard our ocean and to advance efforts towards achieving gender equity in maritime and ocean sectors. This project aims to empower women in oceanic careers and inspire the next generation of ocean leaders to broaden perspectives and drives tangible change.

Start date: 21/02/2021
End date: 08/03/2027

Lead Contact: Raquel Clemente Martins (geral@helpimages.org)

challenges: 9- Capacity Development, 10- Behaviour Change
ocean_basins: Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Caribbean Sea, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, Red Sea, Salish Sea, South Atlantic Ocean, South Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean
type_of_action: 프로젝트

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