책임 있는 해양 에너지를 위한 정량적 도구

책임 있는 해양 에너지를 위한 정량적 도구

책임 있는 해양 에너지를 위한 정량적 도구 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

리드 기관:

Sandia National Laboratories United States of America (USA)

This project builds and exhibits the open-source Spatial Environmental Assessment Toolkit (SEAT), which provides environmental data integration, assessment, and visualization to support sustainable marine renewable energy (ME) projects that balance power production with ecosystem stewardship.

SEAT addresses risks of ME induced stressors (e.g., acoustics) that may affect local receptors in a user-friendly platform. Success factors include: Functional cloud database for storing and serving environmental data tailored to acoustics on ME projects that meets applicable industry standards for data quality and formatting. Functional, user-friendly dashboard for visualizing and interacting with real-time environmental data to support adaptive management during the project’s lifetime. Collaboration with the global ME industry to ensure the tool is relevant and applied. Documentation, distribution, training, and utilization of the database and dashboard tool for global availability.

Start Date: 01/09/2023
End Date: 30/09/2031

웹사이트 방문하기

Lead Contact: Jesse Roberts (jdrober@sandia.gov)

도전 과제:
3- 지속 가능한 블루 푸드
4- 지속 가능한 해양 경제
7- 해양 관측
해양 분지:
작업 유형:

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


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