Ocean Census

Ocean Census

Ocean Census 2000 1334 Ocean Decade

선도 기관:

The Nippon Foundation & Nekton Foundation – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK)

Ocean Census is a global alliance of partners uniting to accelerate the discovery of marine biodiversity to galvanise sustainable management and protection.

Launched in 4월 2023, Ocean Census is founded and coordinated by The Nippon Foundation & Nekton.

Ocean Census has 5 missions:

  • To Explore: expeditions to collect and document species in biodiversity hotspots, prioritising taxa that are new to science and / or endangered.
  • To Discover: Accelerating the speed of species discovery and description, with a target of 100,000 new species over the next decade and describing up to 10,000.
  • To Inspire: Raising public and policy interest and galvanising sustained action to protect ocean life.
  • To Conserve: Increasing accessibility and interoperability of ocean life data to accelerate decision making and ensure open access and equitable use for the common good.To Sustain: Building an inclusive, international network of taxonomists and biodiversity experts in high, low and middle income nations.

시작 날짜: 01/04/2023
종료 날짜 31/03/2033

Lead contact: Oliver Steeds (oliver@nektonmission.org)

challenges: 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, 4- Sustainable Ocean Economy, 9- Capacity Development
OCEAN_BASINS: 모든 해양 분지
type_of_action: 프로그램

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