미림 코스테이로 모니터링

미림 코스테이로 모니터링

미림 코스테이로 모니터링 2560 1707 Ocean Decade

리드 기관:

Monitoramento Mirim Costeiro – Brazil

The Monitoramento Mirim Costeiro (Junior Coastal Monitoring Program) is a pioneering citizen-science initiative where students become scientists and leaders in environmental preservation within their community.

By directly engaging students with current ocean issues, the program aims to transform them into ocean citizens and local agents of change. Students participate in all research steps, including data collection, analysis of information, and communication of results. The project is gradually expanding worldwide and has already benefited more than 5,600 students and 270 teachers across 20 municipalities in Brazil and Portugal.

Our goal is to broaden our program internationally and establish a Global Junior Ocean Guardian Network. By 2030, we aim to expand our program to 100 more schools worldwide and develop a digital training platform to enable more teachers to implement it locally.

Start Date: 01/09/2012
End Date: 15/12/2029

Lead Contact: Caroline Schio (caroschio@hotmail.com)

도전 과제:
1- 해양 오염
10- 행동 변화
9- 역량 개발
해양 분지:
작업 유형:

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


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