Mediterranean Sea Ship-based Hydrography

Mediterranean Sea Ship-based Hydrography

Mediterranean Sea Ship-based Hydrography 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

리드 기관:

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Scienze Marine – Italy

The Med-SHIP Action aims to fully implement repeat hydrography at the Mediterranean level, in a similar manner to the international GO-SHIP programme.

Changes in oceanic water masses can answer important questions about the sensitivity of the Overturning Circulation to anthropogenic climate changes and the feedback on climate, ocean biogeochemistry and ecosystem functioning.

The Mediterranean has an up-to-date advanced and sustained integrated observing system, where the major components are all represented. However, the ship-based component of the observing system is not as well developed, coordinated and integrated with the other elements. The Med-SHIP Action has the aim to overcome this limitation and fully implement repeat hydrography at the Mediterranean level, in a similar manner to the international the Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP), which aims at promoting and coordinating repeat hydrographic investigations to provide knowledge about the changes in the budgets of heat, freshwater, carbon, oxygen, nutrients and transient tracers.

Start date: 05/01/2011
End date: 31/12/2030

Lead Contact: Katrin Schroeder (

challenges: 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, 5- Ocean-Climate Nexus, 7- Ocean Observations
바다_분지: 지중해
type_of_action: 프로젝트

바다의 10년

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