Marine Biodiversity Library & MPA eDNA monitoring

Marine Biodiversity Library & MPA eDNA monitoring

Marine Biodiversity Library & MPA eDNA monitoring 1920 1080 Ocean Decade

리드 기관:

캐나다 해양수산부 - 캐나다

This project is building a Canadian Marine Biodiversity Library of expertly curated and high quality DNA reference sequences to support the uptake of eDNA results for science-based advice.

Biodiversity monitoring is a core tenet of conservation management and Canada’s conservation commitments. Canada has established a series of guidelines for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that emphasize the need for non-destructive, multi-species survey methods. Environmental (e)DNA metabarcoding is revolutionizing the field of biomonitoring. This project has initiated eDNA biomonitoring in MPAs and areas of interest in Canada’s Pacific and Atlantic regions to collect baseline data on species diversity and distributions. High quality and accessible reference DNA sequences are critical for the effectiveness of eDNA as a biomonitoring tool. Pairing the reference library with MPA biomonitoring surveys accelerates eDNA operationalization and supports Canada as a global leader in ocean conservation.

Start date: 01/04/2022
End date: 31/03/2026

Lead Contact: Kristen Westfall (

challenges: 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity
ocean_basins: North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, Salish Sea
type_of_action: 프로젝트

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