JPI Oceans Joint Call: Changing Marine Lightscapes

JPI Oceans Joint Call: Changing Marine Lightscapes

JPI Oceans Joint Call: Changing Marine Lightscapes 1000 1500 Ocean Decade

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JPI 오세아니아 - 벨기에

The JPI Oceans joint call on Changing Marine Lightscapes, with the two sub-topics Coastal Darkening and marine Artificial Light at Night (ALAN), addresses an emerging and under-studied aspect of environmental change with potential relevance for ocean health, marine pollution, biodiversity loss, and, ultimately, maritime spatial planning.

Light is fundamental for all life. Marine organisms have evolved in adaptation to natural light conditions, in terms of the amount (intensity), the colours (spectral composition) and the natural cycles (periodicity) of light. Over the last century, however, marine lightscapes in the world’s oceans and coastal regions have fundamental changed.

The projects funded through the call are expected to generate transversal knowledge to better understand the impacts changes in light have on the marine environment, its biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and for providing ecosystem services. The projects should also suggest mitigating measures.

시작 날짜: 31/03/2024
종료 날짜 02/01/2028

Lead Contact: Frode Fjeldavli (

challenges: 1- Understand and beat marine pollution, 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, 4- Sustainable Ocean Economy
바다_분지: 북극해, 지중해, 북대서양
type_of_action: 기여도

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다에 필요한 과학


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