디지털 오션을 위한 상호 운용성 아키텍처

디지털 오션을 위한 상호 운용성 아키텍처

디지털 오션을 위한 상호 운용성 아키텍처 2000 1334 오션 디케이드

리드 기관:

SINTEF Ocean – Norway

As initiatives around the globe begin to enhance ocean-oriented digital capacity, we have unprecedented opportunities to power digital twinning.

Currently there are many initiatives that work toward or in support of a Digital Twin of the Ocean, e.g. the EU Digital Twin Ocean system, NOAA’s National Centre for Environmental Information, the IOC Ocean Data and Information System ODIS, the IOC Ocean Best Practice System OBPS, the Ocean Data Action Coalition and the UN Data Coordination Group.

DITTO’s Priority Activities are: a) Articulate and advance a common understanding of Digital Twins of the Ocean architecture. b) Advance a number of “use case” prototype Digital Twin applications across the spectrum from science, engineering and operations; and c) Encourage the formulation of DITTO related Decade Projects.

Motivated by this, we propose to coordinate ongoing initiatives to address priority activity a) and work towards an interoperability architecture for the Digital Twins of the Ocean.

Start Date: 01/09/2022
End Date: 31/12/2025

Lead Contact: Ute Brönner (ute.broenner@sintef.no)

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