건강한 강, 건강한 바다

건강한 강, 건강한 바다

건강한 강, 건강한 바다 2000 1334 오션 디케이드

리드 기관:

글로벌 물 파트너십 기구 - 스웨덴

바다, 지표수 및 지하수는 생명과 경제를 지원합니다. 그러나 그들의 건강은 심각하게 위협 받고 있습니다.

There is a systemic gap between the ocean and freshwater management communities. As a result, there is insufficient political and financial investment in safeguarding the services that the water systems, from the source to the sea, provide. The disconnects in policy development and implementation among basin, coastal, and marine areas lead to management failures, which result in issues such as pollution, alterations in sediment flows, and habitat fragmentation etc., with severe impacts on freshwater and marine ecosystems. The lack of concerted action between the ocean and freshwater communities for the achievement of SDG 6 and SDG 14 leads to a missed opportunity for an integrated response.

The HRHO programme is designed to assist in addressing disconnects and systemic gaps and enable accelerated source-to-sea action at regional, national, and sub-national levels.

시작 날짜: 01/06/2022
종료 날짜 31/05/2028

Lead Contact: Dimitris Faloutsos (dimitris@gwpmed.org)

challenges: 1- Understand and beat marine pollution, 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, 4- Sustainable Ocean Economy
type_of_action: 프로그램

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다에 필요한 과학


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