유해 조류 번식 솔루션

유해 조류 번식 솔루션

유해 조류 번식 솔루션 1329 942 Ocean Decade

리드 기관:

정부간해양학위원회(IOC) 및 식량농업기구(FAO) 유해 조류 출현에 관한 정부간 패널(IPHAB)

The Harmful Algae Bloom Solutions (HAB-S) Programme will be co-created with stakeholders, leading to improved data resources, innovative observing instrumentation, and sound knowledge for decision-making to manage and mitigate HAB impacts to human health and wellbeing-related activities (aquaculture, fisheries, desalination, tourism) and the environment.

HAB-S aims to enhance knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of HABs at the level of scientists, societal stakeholders, and the public at large, through comprehensive public awareness campaigns, education initiatives, and interdisciplinary solutions that reduce the frequency and severity of HAB events and minimize their adverse effects on the social, economic and natural environments.

시작 날짜: 01/01/2024
종료 날짜 31/12/2030

리드 연락처: 헨릭 에네볼드센(h.enevoldsen@unesco.org)

challenges: 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, 3- Sustainable Blue Food, 6- Coastal Resilience
해양 분지: 북극해, 인도양, 지중해, 북대서양, 북태평양, 남대서양, 남태평양, 남극해, 남극해
type_of_action: Programme, United Nations Action

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