2030년까지 변화하는 바다와 회복력 있는 생태계를 위한 수산 전략(FishSCORE 2030)

2030년까지 변화하는 바다와 회복력 있는 생태계를 위한 수산 전략(FishSCORE 2030)

2030년까지 변화하는 바다와 회복력 있는 생태계를 위한 수산 전략(FishSCORE 2030) 840 582 Ocean Decade

리드 기관:

Gulf of Maine Research Institute – United States of America (USA)

The Fisheries Strategies for Changing Oceans and Resilient Ecosystems by 2030 (FishSCORE 2030) will sustain fisheries as a global source of food and jobs, while protecting ocean ecosystem health and enhancing equitable benefits from fisheries.

The endorsed Decade Programme will bring together scientists, fishers, resource managers, community practitioners and policymakers to move marine fisheries towards climate resilience. It will develop frameworks to assess vulnerabilities, determine actionable adaptation options, and identify resilience-enhancing measures for fishery systems. It will nurture scientist-practitioner partnerships as it develops, applies, and improves these frameworks.

FishSCORE will help identify strategies that work in the real world to achieve healthy ecosystems, resilient fishery systems, and equitable benefits in the context of changing ocean.

Download the Programme’s implementation plan and visit the website to find out more.

Start Date: 01/01/2022
End Date: 31/12/2030

Lead Contacts: Kathy Mills (kmills@gmri.org), Kristin Kleisner (kkleisner@edf.org) and Claire Enterline (centerline@gmri.org)

도전 과제:
10- 행동 변화
2- 생태계 보호 및 복원
3- 지속 가능한 블루 푸드
4- 지속 가능한 해양 경제
5- 해양-기후 넥서스
7- 해양 관측
9- 역량 개발
해양 분지:
모든 해양 분지
작업 유형:

바다의 10년

우리가 원하는 바다를 위해 필요한 과학


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