Climate resilience for fishing and aquaculture

Climate resilience for fishing and aquaculture

Climate resilience for fishing and aquaculture 2500 1873 Ocean Decade

리드 기관:

호주 수산연구개발공사(FRDC) - 호주

The Climate Resilience project seeks to mitigate climate impacts to fishing and aquaculture, and improve adaptation to increase resilience.

Climate change is impacting Australia’s aquatic ecosystems, and the sectors and industries that rely on those systems. Australia’s oceans provide irreplaceable services including oxygen production, nutrient recycling and climate regulation and they generate considerable economic wealth through fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, energy, and transport.

There is significant effort to understand climate change causes, but for Australian fishing and aquaculture, it is vital to recognise that changes are occurring, appreciate the associated risks and opportunities, and respond by executing effective strategies to improve resilience through adaptation and mitigation.

Key initiatives as part of the Climate Resilience project include reducing emissions from fuels, electricity and aquaculture feeds to meet Australia’s commitment of carbon neutrality by 2050.

시작 날짜: 01/07/2022
종료 날짜 30/06/2025

리드 연락처: 패트릭 혼(

challenges: 1- Understand and beat marine pollution, 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, 4- Sustainable Ocean Economy, 5- Ocean-Climate Nexus, 9- Capacity Development
해양 분지: 인도양, 남태평양, 남극해
type_of_action: 프로젝트

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