보퍼트 생태계 생물 다양성

보퍼트 생태계 생물 다양성

보퍼트 생태계 생물 다양성 370 200 오션 디케이드

리드 기관:

캐나다 해양수산부 - 캐나다

The Beaufort Ecosystem Biodiversity (BEB) Decade Action is to integrate multi-year coastal and offshore research and monitoring programs to provide a comprehensive assessment of Beaufort Sea biodiversity across a wide range of habitats, including data-poor areas adjacent to the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO).

Biodiversity will be assessed with an ecosystem-based approach providing the environmental context in which biodiversity change, and associated mechanisms of change, can be identified. This action will contribute to co-developing and enhancing monitoring of the Beaufort Sea to protect and manage the ecosystem biodiversity.

This Project is hosted by the Ocean Decade Programme Marine Life 2030

Start date: 01/01/2010
End date: 01/01/2030

Lead Contact: Lisa Loseto (lisa.loseto@dfo-mpo.gc.ca)

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