Arctic Sea Ice Restoration

Arctic Sea Ice Restoration

Arctic Sea Ice Restoration 2400 1600 오션 디케이드

리드 기관:

Arctic Reflections – The Netherlands

Arctic Sea Ice Restoration aims to restore the Arctic ice by thickening the ice in winter through pumping sea water on top of it in strategically chosen locations across the Arctic Sea.

Global warming has reduced the Arctic sea ice volume already by 75% over the last 40 years, and even in the most optimistic carbon emissions reduction scenarios, the Arctic sea is expected to experience ice-free summers as early as the thirties. This will further accelerate the climate crisis and start a series of devastating feedbacks, since the Arctic sea ice functions as the earth’s refrigerator by reflecting the sun’s heat back into space.

시작 날짜: 01/09/2023
종료 날짜 31/12/2030

Lead Contact: Tom Meijeraan (

challenges: 2- Protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity, 5- Ocean-Climate Nexus
type_of_action: 프로젝트

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