Ten remarkable new marine species from 2023


Ten remarkable new marine species from 2023

Ten remarkable new marine species from 2023 1920 1920 Ocean Decade

كما هو الحال في السنوات السابقة ، أصدر السجل العالمي للأنواع البحرية (WoRMS) مرة أخرى قائمته السنوية لأفضل عشرة أنواع بحرية وصفها الباحثون خلال العام الماضي لتتزامن مع اليوم العالمي لتقدير علماء التصنيف في 19 مارس!

إذا لم تكن على دراية بهذا الاحتفال بكل العمل الذي يقوم به علماء التصنيف ، فيمكنك العثور على المزيد هنا و هنا.

Every day in labs, museums, and out on fieldwork, taxonomists are busy collecting, cataloguing, identifying, comparing, describing, and naming species new to science. Over 300 taxonomists globally also contribute their valuable time to keeping the World Register of Marine Species up to date. Today is a chance for us at WoRMS to thank our taxonomic editors for this important task. We celebrate the work of taxonomists now with the WoRMS list of the top-ten marine species described in 2023 as nominated and voted for by taxonomists, journal editors and WoRMS users!

This top-ten list is just a small highlight of about 2,000 fascinating new marine species discovered every year (there were almost 2000 marine species described in 2023 and added to WoRMS, including some 330 fossil species).

كيف تم اختيار الأنواع؟

A call for nominations was announced in ديسمبر 2023, sent to all editors of WoRMS and editors of major taxonomy journals, and posted openly on the WoRMS website and social media so anyone had the opportunity to nominate their favorite marine species. Nominated species must have been described between يناير 1st and ديسمبر 31st, 2023, and have come from the marine environment (including fossil taxa). A small committee of volunteers (including both taxonomists and data managers) was brought together to decide upon the final candidates. The list is in no hierarchical order.

The final decisions reflect the immense diversity of taxonomic groups in the marine environment (including crustaceans, corals, sponges, jellies and worms) and highlight some of the challenges facing the marine environment today. The final candidates also feature some particularly astonishing marine creatures, notable for their interest to both science and the public.

Each of these marine species has a story. This year the chosen species cover the weird, the bewildering and the astonishing! We feature, amongst others, a beautifully colored nemertean, a carnivorous sponge, and a giant extinct penguin.

حول قائمة WoRMS العشرة الأوائل للأنواع البحرية

After 250 years of describing, naming and cataloguing the species we share our planet with, we are still some way off from achieving a complete census. However, we do know that at least 245,000 marine species have been described because their names are managed in WoRMS by more than 300 scientists located all over the world.

في عام 2018 ، للاحتفال بعقد من وجود WoRMS ، قمنا بتجميع قائمة بأفضل الأنواع البحرية لدينا ، سواء لعام 2017 أو للعقد السابق من أجل تسليط الضوء على الاكتشافات الرائعة للعديد من الأنواع البحرية الجديدة التي يتم إجراؤها كل عام (انظر http://www.lifewatch.be/en/2018.04.23-WoRMS-LifeWatch-press-release).

We decided to continue this process every year as a celebration of the work that taxonomists do and of the fascinating marine species that are discovered each year. Our previous lists of the top-ten marine species described for the decade 2007–2017, for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 can be found here:

Between 2008 and 2018, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) compiled an annual list of the ‘Top Ten Species’ described from ALL habitats and taxa. The oceans cover over 70% of the surface of our planet, and yet they still include the least explored regions. Although the ESF list often contained one or two marine species, we decided to pay homage to the ‘largest habitat on earth’ by producing our own list of the top marine species.

نأمل أن تصل بعض مفضلاتنا إلى القائمة العالمية!

The WoRMS Top Ten Marine Species 2023 would not have been possible without the collaboration between the WoRMS Data Management Team (DMT), the WoRMS Top Ten Decision Committee, the WoRMS Steering Committee (SC) and voluntary contributions by many of the WoRMS editors.

يتم دعم عمل DMT والعديد من الأنشطة المتعلقة ب WoRMS-DMT من قبل LifeWatch Belgium ، وهي جزء من البنية التحتية الأوروبية للعلوم الإلكترونية LifeWatch للتنوع البيولوجي وبحوث النظم الإيكولوجية. LifeWatch هو مختبر افتراضي موزع يستخدم لجوانب مختلفة من أبحاث التنوع البيولوجي. يهدف العمود الفقري لمعلومات الأنواع في LifeWatch إلى الجمع بين البيانات التصنيفية والمتعلقة بالأنواع وسد الثغرات في معرفتنا. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، يقدم الدعم لخبراء التصنيف من خلال تزويدهم بالدعم اللوجستي والمالي لتنظيم الاجتماعات وحلقات العمل المتعلقة بتوسيع محتوى قواعد بيانات التصنيف وتحسين نوعيتها.

WoRMS - مثل ABC WoRMS - هو إجراء معتمد في إطار عقد الأمم المتحدة للمحيطات.

WoRMS and Ocean Census have a partnership to enhance rapid discovery and identification of marine life.

This article was originally published on WoRMS’ website.

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